Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

I like to have Mike Ryan produce a series of SARS-CoV-2 videos for public outreach targeting decision makers, specifically. Give this man a whole a number of departments full of people doing public outreach as a main task.


A friend of mine is in the hospital with a respiratory virus that’s not covid.

Five days in the ER before he could get a bed. This is the Metro Detroit area. 81 people ahead of him.

Nope, no problems here.

I start on Thursday working at a large trade show in Detroit for 2 weeks. I have some anxiety over it but I think we can avoid people and remain healthy.

I am not thrilled but it’s good money for two weeks of work.


Watching MNF. Looks like a young man suffered a traumatic arrest after a tackle, CPR and AED on the field, reportedly now has a pulse but not breathing on his own. First comments on line? “See, it’s the vaccine!” I hate this timeline.


Good luck!

Can you mask while working?


Yup, and we will.


You can tell it’s the vaccine because there is literally nothing about that situation connecting it to the vaccine…exactly like Fauci would want it.


XBB.1.5 has a clear transmission advantage over other omicron subvariants and is expected to continue spreading throughout the country. The virus is a sublineage of omicron XBB, which is a combination of two BA.2-sublineages that merged: BJ.1 (BA. and BA.2.75. XBB.1.5 has three additional notable mutations compared with the original XBB.

No data on the R0 of this one, but if it has a “clear transmission advantage” over the ones that push 10-12, I think we may have a new champ. Measles had a long run, but all hail the new champion! Of course, the antivaxxers are bound and determined to give measles a chance to answer back. Have I mentioned how much I hate this timeline?


Um, no.


Big time…

Oh… and look… Ontario :canada: is a new hotspot. I wonder why… :thinking:

Edit: Still looking for a firm reference for the assertion circulating that this variant isn’t showing up at all on rapid tests. Closest I got was that it was from the Phillipine Dept of Health.


But, from that study…

However, it is important to emphasize that although infections may now be more likely, COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to remain effective at preventing hospitalization and severe disease even against Omicron as well as possibly reducing the risk of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC or long COVID).


Well, that was depressing. Not unexpected, but shit…


COVID adjacent news today via Susan Delacourt at the Toronto Star. Seems there’s (finally) concrete, government level acknowledgement that COVID disinformation in :canada: and :new_zealand:, as well as other western nations, was indeed pumped of :ru:. We can add the “Freedumb Convoy” and their tin-foil hat wearing :new_zealand: cousins to the list of side-effects, along with death and disability of millions in the target nations.

So you may cheerfully greet the anti-mask protesters with “привет, товарищи”, confident that the Cheka have been stoking the flames. Where this leaves the :us: Republican party, as well as our own :canada: Conservative party, with respect to foreign agent laws will be interesting. :thinking:


The comments about people being tired now because precautions require work just made me :woman_facepalming:t4:.


The info posted above about XBB.1.5 potentially avoiding vaccines and other pre-existing antibodies, as well as (questionably, not convinced just yet) not triggering rapid tests is very concerning. We may be looking at another winter surge. And with the political winds in the USA, anything attempting to deal with it is probably dead in the water. At least N95’s are fairly easily available now. But we are so damned tired, stretched thin and fried, feeling very much hung out to dry. God help us.


So I’ve posted about my anxiety of my upcoming 2 week job, I think I’ll be fine but because I’m a germaphobe since before covid and also a gadget tech person I just ordered one of these, not sure it will help in my upcoming job but it may help to make decisions about working in smaller spaces.

I’m fortunate that I can afford a quality monitor because these things ain’t cheap. My wife said go ahead even after I told her how much.

Just one more data point for me to look at.


Reading about all theses surges in covid and upticks in RSV and other respiratory illness that requires hospitalization, I wonder if these multi billion dollar health systems are planning more capacity and how long it will take to ease the situation.

Or, I wonder if they are just going to do nothing hoping things go back to normal because spending their money is really not the corporate thing to do.


I wonder if that new strain is what knocked me down at Christmas. I was negative on a rapid test and on whatever test they ran at the clinic. I was a zombie for a week.


I really hope progress is continuing on this front:




This reminded me to reserve a time for the variant booster shot.


I got zombied last weekend, lasted for days

I’m telling people I had the Tripledemic