Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

An easily accessible evaluation of this really dangerous trope:

There is no reason to believe that the next variant (and there will be one) will be less dangerous, less lethal, whatever. Only that it will be different in some unpredictable and unforeseen direction.


I do admire the :fr: instinct to strike action, whether this or dumping a tractor load of sheep manure at city hall.

Here in Ontario :canada: return to school guidelines announced yesterday by our (private-school educated, poli-sci grad) Minister of Education involve

  • un-fitted, N95’s for staff only, demonstrably inadequate cloth masks for students, which hopefully don’t all “come off when the teacher is away” (quoth a sprog in this family)
  • rapid tests, but only 2 and only if you’re sick and only to prove you don’t have COVID, for which they are inadequate, unless you used them to prove that you did (yes, it’s that incoherent)
  • “accelerated” but not mandatory vaccination for staff, :persevere:
  • HEPA filters in classrooms, apparently without breathing tubes and masks attached to the outflow for the kids :roll_eyes:
  • an enhanced “screening” questionnaire, which parents have been overriding when inconvenient,
  • clinics for vaccination, but only at a few schools and boosters are not available, and none of it mandatory, and
  • 30% of the class must be out to report a case. As one parent put it: “it’s easier to find out about a head lice outbreak than COVID”.

In short, perhaps a bit better than the Gallic situation, but still an odd mish-mash of half-ignored science and medieval morality play.

Like most school science experiments, this little experiment in epidemiology is being performed when the outcomes are already well understood


Another installment on Forbes’ report on the highly suspect Chinese covid statistics, where zero covid deaths have been officially reported since the first quarter of 2020.



Personal ranking of vaccine reactions from hardest to least:

  1. AstraZeneca
  2. Moderna 1/2 dose booster
  3. Pfizer
  4. Flu shot

Call it a tie on the last two.


From the local school this week (I’m a Canadian on loan to France):

Sorry for the lousy quality. The TL;DR is basically “we can’t stop the spread under these conditions, so we strike.”


Yes. The first dose was like crashing into a double decker bus. The second dose was like stepping on lego.


Meanwhile in the US , my inbox is full of the school districts from three oregon counties begging for immediate substitute teacher positions to fill. Zero training required.


Some in Texas are asking parents. School districts ask parents to fill in as substitute teachers as COVID cases rise in Central Texas | KUT Radio, Austin's NPR Station


After two years of keeping social distancing, dodging the virus like Keanu Reeves did with the bullets in the Matrix, my time has come. I met some people who were infected without knowing it and had to get tested.

I woke up early this morning and marched to the Family Clinic, part of the Family Health Program, where the city’s health department had a testing center.

There were a lot of people there, but even so the service was fast and excellent. Fortunately I am not infected by the coronavirus. I will continue to wear masks and maintain the behavior that has been right since 2020.


Oh good! Glad to hear you dodge it this time!

sci-fi GIF


It is becoming harder each and everyday doing like Mr. Anderson. IÂŽve met these people who were infected and My head is hurting, my nose and throat are funny. Thanks God it was just my old friends migraine and rhinitis.

The queues in front of the test centers are huge. Authorities estimate that almost 50% of the tests in Rio have positive results. Some pharmacies and private clinics are suspending testing as they are running out of the testing chemicals due to increased demand.


Jesus, that’s scary.

Stay safe, my friend!


@docosc, maybe have someone print this for your billboard-size and put it on display in front of your clinic?

Dunno, maybe the chin diaper type can take the hint



Thank you. I will keep my Matrix routine.


Oh, but see, I’m not a parent. They’re literally just blasting these emails out to everyone that has an oregon DL and lives close to the counties.


It’s worth noting that (as I learned myself back at the beginning of December) , if you took a rapid test (IE, got the results there), odds are good it has a high false negative rate, and if symptoms continue for a day or two, you should go back and get tested every 2 days of symptoms (per what my doctor said to me 21 days later when symptoms were well and gone.)

Currently I can’t get tested to see if I have antibodies because tests are restricted to symptomatic in oregon
 but just sayin
 a negative result on a test doesn’t mean for sure no.