Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

… should we all be doing one in April and one in October :confused:


The first known revival of a dead person took place on December 3, 1732… The Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Drowned soon endorsed a variety of methods for resuscitation: warming the body, bloodletting, compressing the abdomen, and using bellows to force tobacco smoke into the mouth or anus. (The latter method is the origin of the phrase “blowing smoke up your ass.”)

well, there you go.

( also, first dibs on this band name: society for the recovery of persons apparently drowned )


While performing CPR in a patient with a DNR is tantamount to assault, i have seen enough successful attempts in young people to make me of the opinion that it is worth the effort.


The hidden harms of bad headline writing, is more like it.

The article was based on the context of end-stage illness. How hard would that context have been to add to the headline?


The Hidden Harms of CPR for End-Stage Eggs, Bacon, and Hash Browns Oh Dang That Man Just Ordered Breakfast in my Headline

Turns out it’s pretty hard!


A family member, who last week was seated on a flight near a coughing child, tested positive yesterday for COVID a few days after arrival in :new_zealand:, of all places. All precautions were taken.

Symptoms are mild so far, but we all know what that does and doesn’t mean.

Three and a half years of successfully dodging this disease… :persevere:

It really is not over.


Sorry, friend. You know the drill, and no, not over at all. Welcome to the new normal…

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… no EMT is gonna get my heart going again after “End-Stage Eggs, Bacon, and Hash Browns” :fried_egg: :thinking:


wheee. new variant.


It’s here, too:


And just to add some sour icing to this cake:


Time to write our local representatives. :thinking:

Their shortfall seems to be a small amount in the grand scheme of health care funding.


The SARS-CoV-2 virus can utilize a variety of pathways for cell entry, depending both on cell type and viral variant. It is thus critical to determine the biochemical requirements for entry in order to ascertain both the mechanisms of viral fusion and the potential for future evolutionary plasticity.

This flexibility might explain how it is that this virus can jump species so easily. More research ongoing, but this is kinda interesting.


:canada: Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal concerning COVID measures in B.C. restricting religious gatherings.

In a unanimous decision in December, the B.C. Court of Appeal said [B.C. Provincial Health Officer] Henry’s orders were justified under two critical legal tests — even if they did infringe on Canadians’ constitutional freedoms. [Chief Justice] Hinkson said Henry’s orders would have been justified under a section of the Charter that allows governments to put limits on rights and freedoms in certain situations. In its ruling afterward, the B.C. Appeal Court said Hinkson was right to apply a legal test that says administrative decisions like Henry’s must reflect “a proportionate balancing of the Charter protection” with the statutory mandate of her office.

So we now have a precedent to work with in future. :+1: The decision has direct references to the :canada: Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which probably makes the precedent less useful south of the border.


crazy closing anecdote in which Schneider reveals that he took his young daughter to see Paul McCartney in concert and meet the music legend backstage afterward — despite her coming down with COVID right before they got on the plane to go! WHY IS HE BROADCASTING THIS TO THE WORLD? “I can’t be the guy who kills Paul McCartney,” he concedes at one point in the story. “I get enough bad press as it is.” Thank God he didn’t!

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Well, hell. 3 years I’ve ducked this piece of shit. Woke up feeling cruddy. Tested when i got home. Fucking positive. Damn it damn it damn i

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Oh, hell. I’m sorry. I hope it’s a mild case and that you recover quickly with no lasting ill effects!


But you’ve been on the front line! It was bound to happen.

Im Sorry To Hear That Queen Latifah GIF by The Roku Channel