Today, it finally happened. Japan hit 100,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day (total: 100,949). I knew that this was coming; the numbers were trending toward it with consecutive days above 90,000.
But when you actually see a whole new digit in the daily totals, it hits different. Part of you wants to think: “Ok, we hit that milestone. Now we can look forward to the numbers going back down.” And part of you thinks, “Fuck. That’s just the cases we know about. It’s everywhere.” The rollercoaster just keeps going…
They had them yesterday at the Target/CVS near me. Unfortunately, the masks I received are large-ish and don’t fit me—they’re a 3-D molded cup-shape, with no adjustability beyond the elastic head straps—so I won’t be using them. Good try, I guess?
The ones I received are not individually wrapped—the pharmacist opened a big bag of masks, took three and put them into a small Target plastic bag, and handed that to me. (I just mention that because we discussed it earlier in the thread.)
Just went through our annual N95 fitting / refitting, checking to see if what we think is our size still is. Yeah, age and lock-down affects that as well. If it doesn’t seal properly, it doesn’t work properly. We have 6 sizes / profiles to select from, and stuff they use to test… Let’s just say, puke-making awful. I think it’s called Bitrex? Phaugh!! 1860 and I couldn’t smell/taste it a bit. Probably overkill for everyday exposure, but it is important to find a good fit if you are going to the trouble of getting N95’s. They are not one size fits all.
University of Ottawa criminology professor Michael Kempa is an expert on policing techniques. … “A strategy of containment and hoping the protests fizzle out enough that they can then be dealt with. So this has been very textbook.”
But it didn’t work.
Have to admit, I’ve considered it many times. My grandmother was the first generation to live in the States, so that side of the family does have a long heritage there. (She was pure laine.) It would be a returning home rather than mere immigration.
There are a variety of different masks in the stock pile. I was hoping to find the Moldex 2200s to see if they would fit me, without having to shell out for a big box and shipping. But the CVS stores I checked had Honeywell at one, and 3M 8210. None were individually wrapped - it was the cashier putting their dirty, un-sanitized cash-handling hands into the box and pulling them out. Gross. Badly handled. Do not want.
It’s unfortunate that so much fit testing is still done the cheap, bad way that is subjective and dependent on your sense of taste and smell, which, ironically, can both be damaged by Covid.
I’d hope that more fit testing would be quantitative using particle counters by now. That is a much better indicator of mask fit, though it sounds like with the 1860 you are pretty sure of your fit.