Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 4)

Sorry for the source but there are photos and video of a bunch of idiots mid flight cheering and removing masks.



Yay, I dont have to wear a mask anymore!

What a bunch of fucking whiny shortsighted children. :weary:




This is a sensible overview and opinion piece on the dropping of mask mandates on flights, but it ends in an annoying way:

That piece ends with this thought:

if I fly anywhere in the next several months, first, I will do my own research by checking the CDC website showing state and county infection rates and, if I donā€™t like what the numbers show ā€“ no matter what towns my new cabin-mates hail from ā€“ I, happily, will once again don a mask.

If you donā€™t like what the numbers show? How about continuing to ALWAYS wear a mask while traveling, in the plane, in the airport, in the Uber, etc etc?

Thereā€™s a weird belief in most of the US now that the pandemic is over, so anyone who wears a mask is at best a weak, overreacting ninny. And itā€™s making even sensible people who still want to wear a mask think that at least some of the time, thereā€™s no need to bother. Ugh.


Yep Reaction GIF by C H A R L Ɩ T T E


I think the challenge there is that even reasonable, patient people want to know what the endpoint is supposed to look like when theyā€™re allowed to ā€œget back to normal,ā€ and if you tell them that they have to mask up forever regardless of transmission levels a large portion (probably the majority) of the population isnā€™t going to accept that. So I think that endpoint criteria do need to be defined. If that endpoint is ā€œcovid no longer existsā€ the reality is that weā€™re likely never going to achieve that.


My kid just told us that a friend of hers was on a Delta flight yesterday with a baby who canā€™t be vaccinated or wear a mask and another child who canā€™t get vaccinated when Delta announced mid flight people could remove their masks. She has another freind on a different flight going through chemo and the same thing happened. At the very least they should have not changed the rules on flights already booked to give people the chance to make decisions based on their health.

Delta said this yesterdayā€¦

ā€¦as COVID-19 has transitioned to an ordinary seasonal virus.

But they have since changed it toā€¦

We are relieved to see the U.S. mask mandate lift to facilitate global travel as COVID-19 transitions to a more manageable respiratory virus


Well, @tcg550ā€™s comment right below yours provides an answer to the search for an end point, doesnā€™t it?

itā€™s just an end point that a lot of us are making up as we go along: Weā€™re not hearing anymore about mass death, people being intubated and ā€œlong Covidā€ anymore, so hey, I guess itā€™s just become one more relatively harmless seasonal virus, yay!


Iā€™ve seen some comments about this the best one that sums it up is thisā€¦

Paraphrased but this is the sentiment.

One failed attempt with a shoe bomb and security was changed forever with no endpoint.

A virus that has killed a million+ in the US alone leaving countless others with long term health issues costing us significant amounts of money now and well into the future because of our health care system and no one cares.


Itā€™s all making me wonder who slipped crazy pills into my drink.


And this is why I have completely gone to N95ā€™s. As long as we were all masking, the type was not so important, if the goal was to protect everybody. Now, it is about protecting me. Cloth masks and surgical masks are pretty decent for protecting others from me, but not very good for protecting me from others. N95ā€™s will do that, and I can get them. So yeah, there is that. We are now in the YOYO stage of the pandemic where we are truly on our own.


How about this: if you are in a situation where you can expose a person who is at high risk of severe infection (babies, immunocompromised people, the elderly) wear a fucking mask so you donā€™t kill them.

Is that too hard?


There are lots of rules in life that we have to accept whether we like it or not. As has been pointed out many times to these folks, we have laws for public safety that affect most peopleā€™s lives every day and penalties for those who are scofflaws. So, this wouldnā€™t really about acceptance if we didnā€™t have a faction in this country actively working to undermine government, laws, and by extension the safety of others. I look forward to the day that members of that group have been pushed so far out of power and the spotlight that this isnā€™t even a question when the next major health threat comes along.


I was down in Charleston, SC recently. Not a mask in sight. Itā€™s a different world from NoVa where people are still very aware of the disease.

(Lots of drunk bridal parties with no masks down there. I had no idea Charleston was a Mecca for half naked color coordinated women.)


Thatā€™s not a useful objective criteria unless you are advocating that everyone wear a mask all the time in all situations. The risk of unknowingly passing on a fatal infection to an immunocompromised person is never zero, and thatā€™s definitely been true before covid.

If your position is that we will always need to wear masks on public transportation forever that is a defensible position.

But isnā€™t a few dead babies and immunocompromised people worth it for MUH FREEDUMBS!!! /s

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Nonsense! That excludes the vast majority of peoples daily activities. My point is that the ā€œendpointā€ isnā€™t a date, itā€™s situational. Part of the problem with how masking and vaccine requirements have been rolled out and closed out is that they have been date-based. Thatā€™s not the practical reality. Thereā€™s a big difference between going to the park to play pickup basketball with your buddies and volunteering at the Childrenā€™s Cancer Center.


They are a bit warm and a little bit uncomfortable.

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And in the US itā€™s also: Itā€™s the gubmint telling us to do it, and you know how deadset they are on controlling every last inch of our lives. I thought this country believed in FREEDUM!!


Every anti-mask argument is just petulant, childish, selfish bullshit.