I also did not use any thyme since I didn’t have any on hand.
That’ll be a side-effect of the dissertation. No-one I’ve known who does one ever has any spare thyme.
So happy we could afford a share from the local csa again.
Into a putanesca you shall go, romanesco!
It’s very much worth it to use the fresh thyme, or even rosemary.
i agree!! i have always assumed is why the pig head with the apple is the feature of many a feast, apple and cheeks, fit for a king. pork cheeks are fantastic. as are the cheeks of many animals, they are often one of the most delicious parts, and sadly often overlooked or missing from much of north american cuisine. goat and lamb cheeks are the tastiest parts. i love goat cheek tacos. same goes for elk and deer cheek, and many hunters discard the heads. rabbit, squirrel, ox, horse, yep…
that’s okay, you can always go back and retroactively add it to any dish you’ve made in the past if you have a tyme machine!
I’m trying to work out how many squirrels it would take to get a single serving of squirrel cheeks…
I can’t imagine that.
I have more spices than I have actual food.
you don’t even want to know, it is nuts! ;-p
squirrels unsurprisingly have large cheek muscles for their size, but the total meat on even a large grey squirrel isn’t a ton of food.
mice cheek muscles are the real delicacy, just ask my head eating leave the body as a surprise for dad cat.
Gotta be fresh in that recipe.
Have eaten squirrel, can confirm.
That was a hard phrase for me to parse.
coffee me drinking now, words on internet type good soon.
Good. That sentence had my head being eaten as it left my body in search of a dead cat.
Did you 3D a mold?
Those look super-tasty!
Nicely done!
now that’s the kind of details and cooking money shots we like to see! any maker project that ends in donuts is a winner in my book.