Cop called on black man in his own pool

Wait, really? you were wrong? I hop my neighbors fence all the time to get the whiffle ball my kids have hit over there… my elderly neighbor’s son comes onto my property to trim the side of her bushes that hang onto my side… is all this really illegal?

I mean, even if it is, I guess most (some?) of us live by the neighborly rule of “don’t be a d!ck”…?


Technically, I was trespassing.
Figuratively, she was a dick.


Technically, it’s not trespassing unless the property is posted (= signs, no trespassing), otherwise it would only be trespassing if you came back after being told not to.

(This opinion from a random person on the Internet is not intended as legal advice in your jurisdiction.)

I do wonder how often stuff from the park ends up in her yard. If it was the 9999th time it had happened… (Yah, probably not.)


I presumed the person didn’t answer the door fully knowing a ball was in the yard, if they live next to a park it should be a common occurrence and they were likely being a dick about retrieving the ball on purpose. It’s their right to do so but expect to have your fence jumped if you ignore the door.


They did. But I also think they hated him once he was in office?

I was there during the election visiting in-laws and I literally saw a house with 1 anti Pence and 2 pro Trump signs in their yard.

It was strange.


I keep a dollar-store dog collar, a big water dish, and a tether always screwed into the backyard just because of the frequency with which my neighbors’ many, many dogs escape. They run loose in the neighborhood, eventually run out of steam, and then seek sanctuary in my yard. Dogsitting for several hours until the homeowners get back from work and see my post-It note is a much bigger pain than tossing a ball back into the park.


What you say makes sense but is backwards.

Yes, white people are calling the cops on black people after moving into predominantly black neighborhoods (which is lame) but, if I read this situation correctly it concerns are black guy entering a white area.

It would be interesting to see studies on which generates more calls: white people entering black spaces, or black people entering white ones.

One must always keep in mind that self-respect and right to be secure in persons and papers is actually a white privilege, and not a universal fact. Minorities of all types are very, often painfully, aware of this. We white folks, esp white males, are only now clueing into this fact. For many, it is a very uncomfortable realization. Hence all the “If they would only comply, obey, etc etc” responses. Of course it would never occur to a white male that these “rules” should apply to them.


Like people who live on a golf course then complain about golf balls hitting their house. I get it that they have a right to be upset but sheesh…you live on a golf course. What do you expect?


Tackhead are great, and of course, so is Skip McDonald and Kieth LeBlanc’s other project, Little Axe. And of course Doug Wimbush’s other band, Living Color. And Adrian Sherwood is great as well.



I think we need to build an anti-Irish wall.

Itsn’t it true there were Irish terrorists?


Still are:


When I rented a townhouse in a complex with an outdoor pool, wealthy kids who lived in single family homes (who surely had pools in their developments) would climb the fence around the pool (the cabana/entrance nicely created stepping stones over the tall fence). I wondered some times where people I’d never seen before came from but figured they were relatives or visitors.

But then there were the times when I’d hear teens saying they used to live in the complex. And once the teens chose to exit the pool area by climbing back over the fence, instead of walking back out of the gate, which only required a key from the outside.

To my knowledge, no one ever called the cops. The HOA did change the lock system and issue whole new keys, which required returning the old keys by the property owner to get your new key. Given that a lot of the homes were rentals, the pool was much less busy for a while.


Seriously! If the young black man had been affluent, he would have bought and not rented! /s

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Not once they enter the U.S., where they instantly become “white people.”

And as I imagine you know, no matter what they do, White people cannot possibly be “terrorists”!



Ha, didn’t even think of that.
But maybe this would be an even better option:


Not if you’re Rep. Pete King, who defends America against the brown terrorists in our midst but regularly made exceptions for the Irish ones.


I know someone who can lead the building of the anti-Irish wall…

This woman apparently hates the Irish (and any other non-Scot).

And yes, there most certainly were Irish terrorists, blowing shit up during the Troubles. And the IRA fund-raised in the US (as @hecep notes).

Also, not ALL Irish Americans! /s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But we were whitened in America a very long time ago, if we ever faced any real world discrimination here (which I really doubt).