Cop called on black man in his own pool

IANAL either, but I married one (not in this field, and probably actually makes me even less competent)…but I found this blurb that seems to consider it criminal trespass if there is “fencing or other enclosure obviously designed to exclude intruders or to contain livestock”.

We don’t need no stinkin signs in TX, or even a return trip after being told to get off her lawn.

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Fuck this asshole.


Note how then cartoonist Thomas Nast depicted the Irish immigrants as apelike.


Fair enough. It’s not about police harassment or really any harassment in particular. It’s about the level of crime. Somethings simply require the victim to press charges. Otherwise there is nothing the police can do.

Dear Mr King:



Aw, I miss Vyvyan!

And the rest of the Young Ones. :cry:

Vyvyan would know what to do with all these bloody racists!


Oh, and it wasn’t just me and my hulking 5’8" frame at the door, on camera…I had my 8 yr old and another little 8 year old with me.
We must have looked like an intimidating gang.


This is infuriating.

Anything else I want to post would be way too violent to not get immediately deleted.


Up to 5-10 years ago? 100%.

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I trust white people less as each week passes.

Goodness grief no.

Regardless of what you intentioned, that is 100% full-on racism, you’re essentially asking for a different response on account of someone’s race… No, just no. No matter what qualities the person has, no.

Stop that right now. Equality is race (and in a similar-category, gender) blind. The second you start defining people that way you get huge unfixable problems… /rant

Everyone gets a fair hearing, not restricted on [insert any birth charactaristic here].


Sorry, but there’s no such thing.

Yes, in a perfect world, that would be the ideal standard… but we don’t live in a perfect world.

Everyone has bias and preconceived notions about other people & cultures; the onus is on each individual to acknowledge that bias and to work to overcome it…

And therein lies the problem; many people are far too complacent to even contemplate doing so…


It IS a problem, yes.

I do struggle to see why that tackling that is a problem though, it cannot and should not be swept under the carpet.

There is no justification for it that is valid that i’ve seen. Let the racists wail, they have no valid case to oppose i’ve seen that is based in reality.

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Do you live in the US?

People have to actively want to fix the problem; and the simple fact is that far too many ‘good & decent’ people have inadvertently benefited from institutionalized racism and bigotry, to the point that actively working to find a resolution is like anathema to them.


Nope, so i am gladly looking from an outsider perspective here. (UK)

I am well aware i’m being a little preachy here, but damn if i’m not going to apologise for it :slight_smile:

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Ah, that explains a lot.

The UK has more than it’s own fair share of inequality and intolerance to deal with, but I do envy you that your world leader doesn’t seem to be suffering from some form of syphilitic insanity.

I neither accused you of “being preachy” nor did I ask for any ‘apology’; you’re entitled to your own opinions.

I’m just saying what you’re describing is a utopian ideal, not the actual reality that we currently live in.


Okay, fair enough on both counts i think :slight_smile:


I disagree.

Given that white people are systematically empowered – just as men are – and that many commit racist actions (and inactions), often without even intending to or realizing they’ve done so, I don’t think it’s at all unreasonable for non-white people to be wary of them until they’ve proven themselves – just as a lot of women tend to be with men.


I need to see his special. I just saw him on Coffee in Cars and he was probably the best guest of the season. Maybe because he clicked very well with Seinfeld – I like watching good comedians giving us a peek at how the sausage is made.

Next time just ring the doorbell until she comes to the door. Go for an hour if you need to.

Then be as cheerful as pie.

IF she doesn’t want to get the ball, remind her that a she’s in possession of stolen property, and you’re fully within your rights to call the police.


And i’d disagree, heavily, on that.

You treat people equally or you do not.

I know you mean well here, but trying to reverse an injustice by inversely applying the injustice onto the opposite party fixes nothing, you’ve now enabled the original perpetrators to legitimately apply victim status, because it’d now be true.

Equality or not, pick one.