Cops shoot and kill student on campus


In this thread, all under the guise of “reasonable” solutions, we have people discussing Tasers. Pepper spray. Batons. MMA takedowns. Shooting people in the fucking leg.

A non-aggressive, obviously distressed and confused person was very slowly walking forwards while holding a partially-open multitool. Nobody was being attacked.

There was not the tiniest hint of justification here to do anything other than talk to Scout while waiting for a psychiatric crisis response team to get there. That is what should happen in a normal, civilised society.

The way that many of you perceive and think about this constant police violence is not normal. It’s not your fault, but you need to realise that it isn’t right. You’ve been living inside this for too long, and it’s messed with your heads a bit.

I realise that the previous paragraph is easy to take offence to. If I could phrase it more delicately, I would. But please think about it.

