
Granted. Their inquisitive and fun-living nature, along with their looks makes Dodos the ideal pet and their near-extinction guarantees them protected status in perpetuity, to prevent this from happening again.

It’s not too long before a breeding pair of them are loose and feral Dodos become a serious environmental issue. It’s the sort of thing would keep you up at night, if the loud and off-key WhhheeeeeeeOOONNKKK!!! WhhheeeeeeeOOONNKKK!!! of the Dodos mating in your back yard wasn’t already doing that. Somehow, it always seems to be mating season for them.

As you look longingly at the shotgun, you wonder whether or not the 20 year jail sentence would be worth it, or whether it would be simpler to turn it on yourself.

I wish my mouse would stop double-clicking when it should single-click.