Couple called 911 five times to report possums and people jumping out of fridge and microwave

I wonder how long it would take me to google up some pictures of people who have died of exposure.

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I know this first hand. I used to play around with stimulant medications, and I got auditory stuff. Starting out with just tinnitus, then my hearing sensitivity just got louder and louder. I could hear people across the street eating dinner in their house, and that kind of stuff, or hear the TV in the nextdoor neighbor’s house from my bedroom with the doors and windows closed. Then I kept hearing snapping noises. Like electrical arcs. Eventually it got really disconcerting.

I’m glad I don’t even have access to that kind of stuff anymore.

The real dealbreaker was the Formication. When it feels like you’re getting bit by insects constantly, and plucking out all your leg hair looking for fleas but coming up empty, that’s a good sign that the drug you’re taking isn’t for you.


Do you really? That seems to be a weird thing to wonder about.

Snark aside, it doesn’t really address what I said about people only helping in really doctrinaire, strings-attached ways. How many “help the homeless” groups actually teach people how to live outdoors? Instead of deciding “we need to get you living in a box like Real People as soon as possible”? It isn’t being outdoors which kills people, it’s people never having been taught how to take care of themselves. They aren’t taught how to find or make shelter in urban environments, they are only drawn into institutions who have a uniform conception of what everybody needs. Such as a fixed address, money, ID cards, and other such stuff which is precisely what some people live nomadically to avoid.

As far as my own experience goes, I have lived through winters outdoors in New England cities. In the ice and snow, without much gear. Nobody knew where I was camping out, and I never even cold. For quite a bit of that time I held a job as well.

Eventually, people in my family found out and basically harassed me into a house again, threatening to actually sabotage how I was living. Forcing me to live on handouts from them when before I was not dependent upon anyone. Out of a mix of probably misplaced concern for me (who was actually healthier living outdoors, but who cares?) and their gutless caving to social stigma that I was their family and how I lived was not “normal” - according to the standards of fuckwits of society at large who we have nothing to do with, owe no such obligations to.

If you prefer to be homeless, nomadic, etc - try it sometime. If you aren’t your own worst enemy, you might be amazed by the sheer personal and institutional pressure people will go out of their way to destroy your life with to “help you” to be flabby docile tools like they are. It’s obscene.

If drugs were found, maybe, but in most places it’s not illegal to be under the influence of illegal substances in your own home, is it?

This is, you can get charged with possession, not with having consumed in the past.

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