Covid will "feminize" you, as in weaken you, says Tucker Carlson

No mention of “precious bodily fluids”?


If this plant-based vaccine makes it through the trials, the conspiracy theories will be interesting, I guess.

“It turns people into eggplants!”


Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


‘Tucker Carlson thinks catching Covid will “feminize” you.’

So - get vaccinated??? That’ll go down well with his audience.


The thing about the people who like to watch Tucker and are anti-vax, they don’t ever have more than one thought in their mind at a time. If they did, they might realize that a good many of their thoughts don’t go well together.


What does he look like?

I will never pass up an appropriate (and I think this qualifies) opportunity to point out that Tucker Carlson’s father, appropriately named Dick, is the asshole who outed Renee Richards as a trans woman. Tucker learned this brand of toxic, fragile masculinity from his dad. I hope his sons manage to break the cycle.


So, COVID is now some sort of Feminist plot…

I’m pretty surprised that the cartoonist’s subconscious didn’t make him draw a giant codpiece sized bulge, so we could go full circle and imagine how majestic the (i’m told tiny mushroom knob) is.


Real men don’t care what others think about their masculinity.




Someone like Carlson says something like this to remind us that Trump, too, had Covid, and then failed to make good on all the Q prophesy. 2021 becomes 2022, 2024 inches closer, and so the Long Knives come out. Whether it is paving the way for Tom Cotton, or himself, or some other harbinger of the Reich he longs for, I don’t think he made that statement with Great Britain in mind.

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“It contains cannabis, and the plants are fertilized with aborted fetuses!!1!”

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Is he saying Covid-19 is a trans conspiracy?

If this encourages Fox News viewer to get vaccinated I don’t mind too much.

He’s not saying anything. Tucker makes zero-content mouth-sounds. It’s like reverse ventriloquism: every time the dummy speaks, I want to take a long drink of something.


Have women’s clothes sales spiked in nations with severe COVID outbreaks? I’m reminded of the cellphones-fuck-brains arguments, countered by a lack of brain-cancer spikes amongst users. But anyway, will a world of feminized males see less aggression and war? Does Tucker want more wars, slaughters, genocides? Seems so…

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