At least he had the “class” to let everyone know his son had contracted it and that Covid-19 is “real”. Of course now the other covidiots are very confused and are having a terrible time trying to figure out what’s going on.
“I never thought leopards would eat MY face”
It’s what dictators do best.
noted epidemiologist
I wonder if this will become BoingBoing’s new “gentleman”.
Also: If you are a “Floridian noted epidemiologist” is that like double-plus-ungood?
Why then didn’t they make it so it kills more conservatives than liberals?
I’m sick of it
This BoingBoing post should be edited to replace Dr. with “Dr.” - Just in case an idiot reads this and JTTC that Mr. Wollery is an actual medical expert.
Also, just to make everyone aware, we have not yet reached peak idiocy in America.
Approximately 6 weeks after his mask-less appearance at the Tulsa Trump Campaign Rally. Oklahoma is fucked. 6000 people mask-less spreading MAGA lies all around the state as well.
That’s not a very recent development.
Dr. Darwin will see you now.
Always ask yourself: What would Putin do?
“Dying from Covid-19 to own the libz” is my favorite form of natural selection.
This is the point at which I fear for my mom, who is no COVIDIOT, but does live among them, not too far away in Wichita.
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