Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/29/crying-nazi-christopher-cantwell-guilty-of-harassment.html
“Very fine people on both sides”.
What does “give me Vic” mean?
From TFA:
Cantwell sought the leader of the group, someone who went by the name “Vic Mackey,” and harassed an unidentified individual for the information.
TFW you learn that your ugly beliefs are ugly and nobody decent supports them or you. Shut up, nazi.
These garbage nazi groups seem to effectively function as group anti-therapy.
Get a bunch of damaged, immature people together with no supervision and let them amplify each others’ paranoia, insecurities and anger.
Come to think of it, it is sort of an Americanized, blue-collar version of British public schooling.
Media gives me the impression that men of this type actually fair better in prison than less racist people, (although not as good as mafia connected Italian-Americans). I wonder if that is true.
“So if you don’t want me to come and f— your wife in front of your kids, then you should make yourself scarce,”
It always boils down to fragile masculinity, doesn’t it?
“We have done everything in our power to keep this peaceful.”
Uhhh. . . you and your buddies traveled from out of state to Charlottesville and brought helmets and clubs and nifty homemade wooden shields. This shows malice of forethought-- it’s not like you just happened to find this warrior gear lying round in the park and picked it up to protect yourselves.
Christopher Cant-harass-well
master race
Take-away; don’t be a nazi.
It must feel weird being a nazi when the best thing you could do for the master race is get out of the gene pool.
Not really. It probably gets them into further danger. Since they are less likely to keep their head down and avoid trouble. Gangs are more likely to abuse and endanger their weaker members then provide protection for them.
And they armed themselves to the gills with assault rifles. Mostly to keep the police too scared to act.
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