Cute Wonder Woman lunchbox banned from school for being too violent

You mean by beating someone up?

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My kid briefly went to a school where no branding of any sort was allowed. Not on shoes, backpacks, anything. Mostly it was fine but trying to find non-dress shoes without any sort of logo on them anywhere is hard to do, and sending an 8 year old to school wearing dress shoes daily is stupid.


Whada know …


Unfortunately, if you rile up the petty bureaucrats, you’ll end up zip-tied and concussed.

And increasingly often, it seems, you’ll end up dead. Like Derek Lopez. Or Ryan Gibbon. Or Ty Field-Smalley. Each, in his own way, a victim of zero tolerance.


On the other hand, is life under their foot that much better?

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Hey well they should have expected it. This is the school’s uniform after all.


have run into this policy before at the Waldorf school

Well there’s your problem right there. The same Waldorf schools where they don’t encourage immunization. Apparently, because Steiner believed that immunization interferes with karmic development and the cycles of reincarnation. O-K!


Let them join me - join me - become BREATHARIANS all


You’ve pretty much undermined your own argument if you’re declaring that all two-dimensional drawn characters are exactly the same as Deadpool and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.

On a related note, you have certainly earned your user name.


If that’s the case, then nothing to see here. If it was a public school, the parent’s should hit the roof, but private schools are entitled to their own policies, and if the parent doesn’t like it, send the kid elsewhere. Many private schools do much, much worse than this.

Move along.

I don’t get that attitude. Uh, you’re a customer. You should probably have MORE say than in a public school.

Actually my kid is in a private school and they are very receptive the parents. They have to be because they rely on a lot of volunteer time from parents for various programs.


Went buying Christmas pressies last December, and at the suggestion of the parent I went looking for a craft kit in this educational toy store.

All safe, intelligent toys to help your child grow. But no Emotion in them. All very calm and sensible. For all the talk of being in touch with your feelings, kids are protected from ever showing too much of them. Big Loud Excitement to be avoided.

Anyway, that’s my reactionary old man observation.


My first thought is do they have pictures of Washington, Lincoln,Grant Roosevelt, Eisenhower and just about every US President that has called out the US military. These men solved problems with violence. Churchill has a famous speech were he repeatedly threatens to fight Nazi Germany. Couldn’t he just sit down with the German leader and by using his words, work it out.

Sometimes violence is the answer.


I wonder if it is a Religious school? If so would this be allowed?


But we’re not their customers. No need for any internet outrage is what I’m saying. The parent certainly can complain to the school, and hopefully they’ll be receptive. But this isn’t some government entity forcing it’s stupid policies down anyone’s throat. All right, ridiculing them is fine, but seriously, it’s not that outrageous for a private school to have very weird policies. I’m told there are some that even expect kids to close their eyes and talk to invisible people in the sky. This is NOTHING compared to that kind of wackiness.

Well, Wonder Woman is the God of War:

… or was, I guess she changed & is now the Goddess of Peace? I stopped reading after Azzarello’s run ended.


The school doesn’t want superhero lunchboxes. Parent complains that their superhero lunchbox should be exempt. This thread happens. BoingBoing makes me tired. You make me tired.

'merca land of the insane.

My wife and I walked out on an orientation for a preschool after it was announced that superhero paraphernalia was banned because ‘spiderman might be a little to scary for some children.’