Cybertrucks are rusting

It’s true! I’ve seen some examples of weird microbial-accelerated corrosion wrecking some stainless components that were supposed to last “forever.”

I like the idea that some new, specific strains of microbes will evolve that are optimized to feast upon the Cybertrucks.


It would be so funny if microbes like that were discovered… on Mars!




Yeah, but I’m saying that TruCoat. You don’t get it, you get oxidation problems. It’ll cost you a heck of a lot more than $500.


It looks cool to 13 year old boys of all ages, who haven’t realised that cyberpunk is a dystopian critique of capitalism.

Also see: RGB lighting on computer equipment that doesn’t need lighting.


Disputed. I saw my first Elon’s Folly in the wild yesterday, and after I finished clawing my eyes out, my inner 11-year-old declared it “the worst Lego set ever and a crummy Hot Wheels” and demanded cereal and cartoons for dinner to get over the trauma.

I don’t live in a high-corrosion climate, but I bet that low-res foil-wrapped potato gonna be pretty toasty this summer when we hit our usual planet-is-burning 100F+ degree days.


This whole situation is of course hilarious.


i kind of agree with you, but the fact that billionaires and their barely functional privilege cars seem to be america’s biggest response to climate change… i fear the joke’s on us.


But they are not a response to climate change. They are a response to grants and carbon credits being available because of climate change.

Money, not climate change.

Climate change is going to make here a lot wetter (and most likely very cold when the Gulf Stream collapses) so even if it got past European safety standards it’s pretty useless here.


yeah, that’s definitely my point. our policies don’t align with our needs.

granted, it’s kind of an exaggerated point because america is doing some things to address climate change. but we should be in moonshot mode right now, with enough taxes on the financial class to make it possible. and we’re not.

that’s why “cybertruck” is kind of funny, but also it’s symbolic of systemic failure.


This is the thing that makes me most exasperated about the AI hype: by some measures the largest infrastructure projects in the world are AI infrastructure. If anyone told you ten years ago with the world burning at an increasing rate we would be spending all our money to burn the sky to make people unemployed you’d have thought they were mad.

The largest sorry for typo.


I’ve never heard of “premium” 304 stainless. I think we’re talking about low-carbon stainless which – during the working/welding process – is less subject to sensitization due to high heat, something that can cause 304 stainless to rust like crazy and fast. Something we experienced at Rocketdyne with one piece of prototype hardware. The materials people traced that one back to Manufacturing and their handling of the stock material. That material in the finished prototype turned orange after being subjected to high humidity after less than a week!!!


Starting now, I will stop using the term “Euro-trash”.

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Well, i never said that humour is anything but dark.

It is very farcical. I mean , selling a car as an indestructible beast with a stainless steel body that immediatly starts rusting and must be babied by the owner.

It is a silly joke from some comedy, but in reality.

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Here’s a tip for investors: Sheila Shine Stainless Steel cleaner, polish and protectant one gallon size case of 4
Gonna be a huge increase in sales soon!


It’s the new 55 gallon drum of lube!


Oooh, I wonder if a nice coat of vaseline would protect against rust?


‘AI’ is definitely the latest flavor; but hasn’t burning fossil fuels to help complete capital’s victory over labor in the class wars basically been the approximate trajectory of economic activity since the industrial revolution kicked off?


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