D20 ice-molds

Any time you see an ice cube in a product shot, it’s rarely going to be a real ice cube.

This product shot is particularly shoddy: it barely resembles a fake ice cube.

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Nah, anyone who professes there’s a “one true way” to drink whiskey is a self-important jerk. If you like your whiskey cold, drink it cold.

Sorry for the jargon - Mizuwari is just whiskey with water, in Japanese (it’s a popular way to drink whiskey in Japan, as on the rocks is in the US).


Right- what @petzl said - the hot lights used for product photography melt real ice so they use something else that doesn’t melt.

That would definitely work, but its more like, if the manufacturer knows what the right amount of water is when they design the mold, why can’t they just mark the line and I don’t have to use any brain cells to make an ice cube? Its a first world problem (or just my problem!)


Sometimes, I like to drink booze out of a glass. All fancy, like.


Note @GilbertWham’s proper pinky protraction…


Yup. Like that. Fancy.

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From the expression in the last frame, it looks as though someone put too much water in your whiskey…

I’m too worried about them shifting and chipping my teeth. I just freeze my glassware.


Ouzo is meant to be consumed with ice, though the finer varieties (Plomari) only require very little.

I have been doing it wrong. The only way that I have ever consumed ouzo was with 151 rum floating on top of it…

Usually when someone on the intermets says that they “came across those stones”, it means something else.

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either way, there shouldn’t be any ice in a good whiskey, or at least not a massive chunk like that.

(Vein in forehead pops out)


The proper way to drink a good whisky is with a single drop of bull urine.

Man you gotta have ice or when you add the 7-up it’ll get all warm

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