Da Musicz

Not just Reagan. Every few years, some Republican running for something will have that song playing at their campaign event and Bruce has to remind everyone what the song is about again.

“This was when the Republicans first mastered the art of co-opting anything and everything that seemed fundamentally American, and if you were on the other side, you were somehow unpatriotic,” said Springsteen in a 2005 NPR interview. “I make American music, and I write about the place I live and who I am in my lifetime. Those are the things I’m going to struggle for and fight for.”



I’m actually wondering now if that instance kicked off the practice of politicians using pop songs (often without permission) at campaign rallies?

Although, now I’m thinking about that documentary about Jimmy Carter that came out a few years ago (and that I never got around to watching)…

I wonder if prior to that, it was more common to commission jingles for the campaigns? I also wonder if Democratic candidates are more likely to get permission vs. Republicans?

Now I’m wondering if anyone has tackled that specific question? A history of how music has been used in political campaigns in the modern era? :thinking:


First, I have watched that documentary. It’s really good. Second, I don’t know about in the past, but today, most campaigns sort of get permission. I say sort of because they, or the venue where the event is being held, usually have purchased blanket licenses for whole catalogs of music from ASCAP. You know how when you go to a concert, and there’s just recorded music playing before the concert starts? That. So when you hear some song played at a campaign event, they almost always do actually have a legal license to play that music. They haven’t sought specific permission from the artist because they typically don’t need to, legally. Now, usually when an artist objects to a campaign using their music, the campaign will respect that. However, most of the time, from a legal copyright standpoint, the campaign could probably tell the artist to go pound sand, believe it or not. Hell, a lot of times, the artist doesn’t control the copyright on the recording anyway. Their record company does. Like with Taylor Swift’s original catalog that what’s his name sold, prompting her to re-record all her old albums. And the record companies have licensing agreements with ASCAP and ASCAP sells licenses to venues and other entities like political campaigns.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


There used to be a blog of them back in the day of music blogs in the 90s!

And of industrial musicals.


so… Laibach? It was all about Laibach? :thinking:

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There was so much money floating around postwar America that companies used to commission musicals.

I think it was featured in an episode of Marvelous Mrs Maisel.

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He’s made some interesting point about the kayfabe of hip-hop and how the lowering of the gatekeeping within hip-hop is changing the genre.


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For the Heart fans, a fun little time capsule:

Funny how shortly after a band member points out the difference between normal and stage dress, she says “you have to show them you’re real” (and later on they joke about how it takes hours to get that natural look.)

Only disappointment is they didn’t do Dog and Butterfly, despite the title. But we do get to hear 10 seconds of The Boxer.

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Some real bangers in there.


The Shape of You for English? I like Ed Sheeran, but come on.


It’s by YouTube views, so it’s really just a popularity contest.


Ah, I thought maybe it was some sort of curated list.

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Fender has celebrated the first anniversary of its flagship Tokyo store by releasing an unprecedented special edition Stratocaster – and it’s unlike any Strat you’ve come across before

Sure, at a distance it looks like a standard black-on-black Strat with gold hardware, but take a closer look: the deep, jet-black finish has a unique mottled and matte character, which has been achieved through “Tsui-koku”.

Tsui-koku, according to Fender, is a traditional Japanese practice, and is dubbed “the most highly skilled of the many lacquer techniques”. It applies “Urushi” and “Kiso Tsuisha” – a specific lacquer designed as a national tradecraft – over a base of black lacquer.

Then, a mold called a ‘tampo” is placed on top, helping to create the final aesthetic, which comprises multiple meticulous layers.


For an article celebrating the unique appearance of a guitar, those are some shitty pictures that don’t show what that finish really looks like.


Ievan polkka is in Finnish but AFAIK bit used in that remix are from nonsense part:

Hilipati hilipati hilipati hillaa
Hilipati hilipati hilipampaa
Jalituli jallaa talituli jallaa
Tilitali tilitali tilitantaa
Halituli jallaa tilituli tallaa
Tilitili tilitili tilitili tallaa
Halituli tilitali jallati jallan
Tilitali talitali helevantaa
Rimpatirallaa ripirapirallaa
Rumpatiruppa ripirampuu
Jakkarittaa rippari lapalan
Tulituli lallan tipiran tuu
Jatsu tsappari dikkari dallan
Tittari tillan titstan dullaa
Dipidapi dallaa ruppati rupiran
Kurikan kukka ja kirikan kuu
Ratsatsaa ja ripidabi dilla
Beritstan dillan dellan doo
A baribbattaa baribbariiba
Ribiribi distan dellan doo
Ja barillas dillan deia dooa
Daba daba daba daba daba duvja vuu
Baristal dillas dillan duu ba daga
Daiga daida duu duu deiga dou

But then again that might mean something in some dialect.

Actually there is bit of Finnish in there ‘Kurikan kukka ja kirikan kuu
Ratsatsaa ja’ = ‘Flower of Kurikka and Moon of Kirikka (AFAIK this a nonsense name) is riding (this word isn’t riding but close enough) and’.




I love the deluxe edition of Strict Joy with the live concert in Milwaukee, stories between songs (shout out to Kopp’s!), and of course, the Whitefish Bay choir.


Probably not, as singing vocables (especially as a chorus) is a well known technique, and not just in Nordic countries.


Discovered in the cover songs thread… thanks @Jose_Kanusee!

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: