Da Musicz

A coupla years ago my BF took me to see Mdou Moctar at a small coffeehouse venue that V quickly filled up. Most of the attendees were quite young, but we weren’t the only old folks there.

My back was in really bad shape, so I had to sit in the main room (where they have seating) instead of where the stage lives, but it made no sonic difference. I got up once and wandered over to the stage area and watched for a minute or three, and I’m glad I did. It was wonderful seeing all those kids dancing, so happy that they were experiencing the gorgeous music of this incredible man and his group. I’d been smiling the whole time, but seeing that increased the euphoria by orders of magnitude.

And now for something completely different:
‘Shut up’: Liam Gallagher shrugs off criticism of Oasis ticket prices | Liam Gallagher | The Guardian
… On Friday morning, Liam posted on X: “OASIS are back your welcome and I hear there ATTITUDE STINKS good to know something’s never change.”

When fans responded by criticising the ticketing approach, including one X user who said he “didn’t expect [Oasis] to rip off the fans as much as they have done”, Gallagher replied: “SHUTUP”.

And when asked how he was feeling, the 51-year-old responded: “SMUG only kidding SMUG AS F*** I told you all we were gonna get back together 1 fine day.” …

What a total prick.

Process fee, service fee, delivery fee … Who wouldn’t pay to see Ticketmaster rinsed by the regulator? | Marina Hyde | The Guardian
… What its Department of Justice detractors don’t love about the firm is its ability to dictate to every part of the entertainment supply chain, from venues to artists to promoters, and that’s before you get into its role in the resale market. Unsurprisingly, this is not the vibe you get from the Ticketmaster website, which is a masterclass in that very particular self-pitying corporate tone. “The fees we charge,” it quavers, “are often the only revenue we get for making sure you can get the tickets to the events you love.” Oh no! Who’ll spare a thought for poor old Ticketmaster, simply trying to connect fans with their beloved artists, and surviving only on the coins thrown into its begging bowl? Counterpoint: this is a vast international firm headquartered in Beverly Hills, currently worth an estimated $22bn. …

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A firm whose CEO and, crucially, CFO compensation are very, very out of line with companies that size.

They engage in financial shenanigans that would make the recorded music industry proud.

Though in this case don’t forget that the band themselves are responsible for the worst of it (and TicketBastard are happy to take the rap for that. It’s their shit catching fee.).

And also that people complaining about ticket ripoffs should perhaps also complain about it in other areas such as how much it costs to put a roof over your head and how much the rent seeking scum are fucking us over.

I go to gigs most weeks at this time of year and rarely deal with them.


LOVE seeing his eyes showing him processing what’s going on, so intently he doesn’t even really look at the person filming. That smile at the end, too, also!


Compiled by Saint Etienne’s Bob Stanley, including this

A shampoo commercial.


Another ahem banger from the great Detroit band who also brought you

An interesting interpretation:


Was only listening to that track earlier on!

Surprising that Beat Girl isn’t on there.


Charo was still killin it in 2022.


Even when I was a tiny kid, I was disgusted that so many people forgot how talented she was, such a fantastic guitarist. They instead thought of her merely as the sexy AF comic relief w/the funny accent talk show frequent flyer. “Rrrrrruup-Boom! Coochie coochie!”


Just look at them! banana dance


New Suzanne Vega!


I came across this from a stupid google search that had nothing to do with music, but I am really liking this music.

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