David Tennant and Catherine Tate are coming back to Doctor Who

Originally published at: David Tennant and Catherine Tate are coming back to Doctor Who | Boing Boing


That is really exciting. I am stoked to see Tennant’s Doctor return! Any hopes for Matt Smith? Christopher Eckelston will, I suspect, not come back, but there is always hope.


He recently signed on for an audio series, apparently he’s on better terms with the BBC and the Doctor who people these days. They tried to get him to come back for The Day of The Doctor and he ultimately turned them down. But apparently they’ve been in touch since and kind of made up.

So I guess it’s a maybe.


I liked Tennant’s performance but the Donna character was ‘fingernails on chalkboard’ level of annoying.


She started out that way, but I was in tears when her character had her mind wiped at the end of her run.


The last interview I read of his strongly suggested that he would never do a multi-Doctor story. He said that it’s always been a cheap gimmick. He’d be willing to return to flesh out more of his Doctor’s story, though.


yeah, this is pretty much my journey, too. i preferred Rose, but Donna was great in the end.


The “past Doctor” cameo I’ve always wanted to see is really simple, and could technically be put into absolutely any episode:

The Doctor and a companion are walking down a street somewhere, when the Doctor suddenly looks around, gets a vaguely uncomfortable look on his face, and quickly directs his companion into a nearby shop.

The companion asks what’s going on, and the Doctor evades the question, saying they just wanted to look at that somethingorother, as behind them, clearly visible, run a past Doctor and their past companion, pursued by someone in an obviously fake alien costume, or something else completely ridiculous and unrelated to the current story at all.

After they’re gone, the current Doctor says something like “Oh, no, that’s not what I thought it was, never mind, back to what we were doing!”

And nothing about the cameo is ever mentioned again.


Now that you say that, I remember this exact scenario from an episode somewhere, I think with Rose (?) maybe?


OK, hopefully somebody can help me out here. There was an episode with David Tennant (my favorite Doctor) and Captain Jack. Somehow, Captain Jack’s space ship was mutating orphans so that they grew a WWII gas mask on their faces. I’m not describing it very well - I was in the hospital recovering from some really ugly surgery and my memory was a little fuzzy. It was a very dark episode, but bits and pieces of it stick with me and I’d really like to see it now that I’m healthy. Can anybody help me with the season and episode?

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Sally Sparrow, with the Weeping Angels, Blink.; You see the Doctor and Martha running about but they’re not really in the episode apart from the Doctor on a video.


Christopher Eckleston.


There is a later episode where Tennant puts on a mask and says “Are you my mummy?” but nobody laughs and he’s disappointed.


“The Empty Child” is the ninth episode of the first series of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who,

THE FIRST SERIES!!!??? Someone needs to get editing at Wikipedia, STAT!


Counter point: Doctor Donna was the most complete, most complex, and most equal companion the Doctor ever had.


I really hope they give Donna a better resolution, she got a raw deal in the end.

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Especially since RTD is in charge.

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He’s recording Ninth Doctor audios for Big Finish. That’s not the same as the BBC.

From everything I’ve read, Eccles has no intention of coming back to the series proper. I’m not sure what happened that affected his view on the BBC, RTD, et al. Speculation is all we have to go on.


IIRC, they kind of “Reset” the season count with the Eccelston season. Sort of a soft reboot.

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My initial assumption was that Tennant was coming back as the Doctor and Tate’s presence meant it was past Doctor appearance - but it occurs to me that isn’t necessarily the case. There’s a Tennant Doctor half-human clone running around out there (last seen in an “unreachable” parallel universe, but Rose kept popping through), and a modern Donna could appear with amnesia/if they undo the plot device that forced her to leave. It’s far more likely to end up being a past Doctor and companion appearance, but the show leaves open all sorts of possibilities to mess with the audience’s head.

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