Death is freedom: Republicans pass Obamacare repeal bill

They’re coming for that to.


I think they’re talking about the AHCA (TrumpCare) being unpopular rather than the ACA (ObamaCare).


My mistake. I hadn’t heard the AHCA acronym before and thought it was an infrequently-used alternate acronym for Obamacare.

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Winning is going to be sooooo painful! So much painful winning!


Note that I was referring to the AHCA (American Health Care Act), not the ACA (aka Obamacare). The AHCA being the monstrosity that just made it through the House. The ACA has seen a marked uptick in popularity now that people are starting to understand that it’s about to be destroyed.

I beg to differ:

TRUMP: We’re going to have great plans. They’re going to be much less expensive and they’re going to be much better because the Obama plan is unaffordable and it’s a disaster. And by the way in ’17 it’s going to die unless the Republicans continue to fund money like — it’s not affordable by the country, not affordable by the people. But what I say is this, we’re going to have great plans. But there will be a group of people that is not doing well, that has no money. We cannot let them die in the streets.

And we’ll work out either through Medicare which we’ll save or something. We will work out a plan where instead of having people dying in the streets. And I say to the Republicans all the time. And by the way I get standing ovations from Republicans, from Republican groups. I got one yesterday. I said we can’t let people die in the streets. We got to work out a deal with the hospital or with somebody in that community where if somebody is sick and really sick. And they don’t have housing and they don’t have —

We’re going to take care of them. We’re going to take care of them. We have to take care of them. Now, that’s not single payer. That’s not anything. That’s just human decency. And I’ll tell you what. Every single time I say that, I say to people in the audience — I say, “so what do you think?” They all stand up and give me a standing ovation, OK?

So some people would take that and they’ll say, “oh, that’s terrible.” That’s — what we’re going to have is we’re going to have private plans, we’re going to have maybe the health care savings plans which are very good. We’re going to get rid of the lines. You know what happens when you get rid of the lines? You have tremendous competition and the price goes way down. The reason the lines are there is because the insurance companies are making a fortune having monopolies in the various states.


I’m liking this for being a great summary fo how I feel and not because I like this…thing that they’re doing.


[quote=“nimelennar, post:21, topic:100421”]
Still bad taste by the Democrats to mock their opponents rather than mourn those who will get hurt, but no, it doesn’t look like they actively cheered the bill’s passing.
[/quote]Also, TPM pointed out that this was in deliberate echo of the Republicans’ actions a couple of decades ago, when the Clinton budget was passed, which led to the Democrats losing badly in the subsequent election; they apparently sang the same song.

Although that budget then led to significant surpluses and economic growth, so I guess it’s entirely possible that this bill might lead to a future in which no US citizen needs to worry about their health care needs. Yeah, right.



That photo has an awful lot of smiling, old, rich, white guys. I assume that means we’re getting great again.


…it would save $300 million and premiums would go down ten percent after ten years.

Promising lower premiums does not actually lower premiums. Promising to cover everybody does not actually cover everybody. It’s true nobody remember who caused the debt to explode under Bush (hint: Bush), but they can damn well remember who gave them Medicare. They’re going to remember who took it away, too.



Maybe Cotton

Make them feel the heat.

I’m not too sure about Flake. He avoided any town-hall that wasn’t locked into his xtian/mormon base and the only ‘open’ townhall, where his other constituents called him on his support for the original trumpcare bill, he just stood there an grinned. Oh, and he also set up rules for ‘free speech’ at his townhall so he’s about as much as a ‘maverick’ as McCain. I get his newsletters and he has only one single focus - to make his xtian/mormon base happy.


I apologize again. I thought you were referring to Obamacare using an acronym for it I was unaware of, and as such, referring to Obama promising people the moon.

You are absolutely right, Trump made ridiculous promises.

My posts were incorrect and poorly thought out. I am sorry.


I mean, would that be such a bad thing?
You’ve rebuilt the white house from being burnt before, you could do it again.



No worries, it happens. My habit of not referring to the current occupant of the white house by name kinda backfired there, heh. I also went back and clarified my initial remarks since the AHCA abbreviation is apparently less commonly-known than I thought, so my apologies for not being clearer about it in the first place :).


Yeah, that’s fair. I started rethinking the list as soon as I’d written it. I was just thinking of him as potentially vulnerable because he’s up in 2018 in a state that’s been trending blue at times. (not there yet, I know) Easier to make him feel pressure than, say, Johnson, who just got re-elected in WI to my horror and disgust.

⊥rump is digging to find Minecraft bedrock.

Edit: right person, wrong comment. I meant to reply to this one.


“Whores Gonna Whore.” Just to be sure I understand: misogyny is OK if it’s used to tar right wingers?

So would this be acceptable: “Those republicans make me mad! But women who have more than a single life-long monogamous sexual relationship are gonna be sluts, I guess!”?


I’m waiting for ⊥rump to sign the Death Race 2000 Act.