Debate: Trump admits paying no taxes, denies sexually assaulting women, says Hillary is the devil

My thoughts, exactly :smiley: Now, the Joker, he’d be all over Trump like a rash.


To be fair, national polls before the tape were showing him down around an average of 7 points and he was behind in every swing state besides AZ (which has only become a swing state due to Trump) and IA. We don’t really have much polling since Fri. when that story hit, though between that and this debate I expect the free-fall to continue. It’s certainly troubling that he’s only down seven points nationally, that says horrifying things about the electorate, but he has been behind for virtually the whole race except for a one week period when he was in a statistical tie.


No, only the deplorables believe she lost.

The second debated is more of a soundbite contest. I wanted her to hand him his ass in a cap. It’s disappointing that she didn’t really have a “there you go again” moment. Instead of her hitting back on his bs, she suggested people go to her webpage for fact checking. We don’t need to fact check this turd to know he is full of shit.

The only thing she lost, was multiple opportunities to put him in his place. I would like her to really call him out. Some real public shaming. Something like “Mr. Trump you disgust me” or as quorihunter said above, “Donald Trump seems to be confused as to who is on the ballot this coming November.” Instead we get “MO told me, when they go low you go high.” F that, when they go low you kick em in the teeth.


Trump says phony almost as often as Holden Caufield.


Suggested reading for Ms.C’s debate prep:


Trump’s impression of Alec Baldwin was spot on.


Liked for the Deadpool reference.


There was talk that destroying him in the debate would not have been a good tactic because the R’s could have then pushed harder for him to voluntarily quit, or forced him off. I don’t think there’s time for the party to make that happen and recover in a useful way, so I disagree with those folks. She’d have been better of going on the offensive a bit more, IMHO.

Having the woman who was raped as a 12 year old by a man Hillary defended as a PUBLIC DEFENDER was a stupid move and a low blow (no she did not laugh at her - she laughed/chuckled talking about the case and it wasn’t in a “Ha ha you got raped!” way. She could have EXPLAINED that whole thing, which I think would take some wind out of his sails. And she could have laid into him a bit how Bill is not on the ticket - she is. In a “Come after ME” way.

I await the next released tape of Donald saying inappropriate things. If 43 of 100 people are voting for him all it takes is 1-2 of those 43 to change their minds and he’ll go down like Walter Mondale.


Yeah, did he actually address a single question during the debate? The pattern, all night was:
Question: “So what are your plans to …?”
Trump: “Hillary failed…”
Moderator: “But what are your plans?”
Trump: “Hillary…”
Moderator: “But your…”
Trump: “Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!”
Trump supporters: “The moderators are being so biased, they keep trying to make Trump answer the questions!”

He didn’t start screaming about how he was going to sexually assault someone during the debate - he won!

Not causing tRump to spontaneously combust on stage. I only half joke.

My mother had the same response. I missed some body language because I sporadically was not watching the screen because I couldn’t stand it anymore or left the room to play with the dog and regain some sanity.

I think she made the good point that for anyone who had paid attention to Trump, his protestation that his words didn’t reflect who he is were obviously wrong - that his words exactly represented who he is and his view and treatment of women.

There is apparently tape out there of Donald using the n-word during one of his shows. I imagine that won’t help him much - a certain number of his luke-warm supporters have deluded themselves into thinking he isn’t really racist, but it would be hard to do after that.


Trump supporters: I like him because he means what he says, and says what he means!
Interviewer: So when he was bragging about sexually assaulting women, he–
Trump supporters: Ok that was just joking around. You know, locker room talk.

Also … Republicans care more about assaults that might happen in bathrooms if we let people chose which bathroom they feel safest in, but when there’s a guy BRAGGING about how he has assaulted women… yeah whatever, it’s all good bro.


Having said all that, she had a kickbutt Suit.


I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it’ll say “Holden Caulfield” “Donald Trump” on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it’ll say “Fuck you.” I’m positive, in fact.


Apprentice producer Mark Burnett has threatened to sue any staff who leak outtakes that are “damaging” to Trump.

I understand people who also make money off his name don’t want it to get any worse but the threat makes me wonder: just how bad are the things we haven’t heard yet?


Someone thinks highly of himself…


Because the debates are Sunday


I sppose every country periodically enters a period of mass insanity. There’s nothing you can do except wait for the illness to run its course, and hope not too much damage gets done.


But that’s what they do.

Kerry’s strong point - war hero. Deny that.

Bush is a blithering idiot who needs a teleprompter. Say Obama is.

Hillary has a lot of stamina. Say she has none.


The people who were there mostly talked about Trump being the knuckle-dragging narcissistic misogynist pig with no impulse control that everything else shows. The Howard Stern material is probably as gross, really, though one source mentioned Trump using the n-word which if true would probably be fairly damaging. Still, at this point I just don’t even know if it would matter to the core people who love Trump - they seem to mentally translate “Make America Great Again” as “Make America White Again,” and might think more of him for not bending to “Political Correctness.”

Burnett’s a born again who probably wants to see Trump elected, but surely cares more about his money than anything else. If Trump wins, that footage is worth more. Since only his company that has the footage in their vaults, it’s not too likely to get out before the election.


If they would cut the mic of the person not speaking then his out of turn zingers would not look they were scoring points, especially since Hillary refrained from firing back when it was his turn on mic.


Fun fact;

Catcher in the Rye is one of those “classic” pieces of American literature that I didn’t like at all, because I despised the character of Holden Caulfield. Self-absorbed, spoiled, hypocritical… he was deplorable as the main character, and completely unrelateable to me.