Deckard's whisky glass

As a Chicagoan, me too.

Probably my favorite blend. Duty-free at the Oslo airport had a tremendous price on it last January, and it was my main tipple while on lockdown.

They look like bourbon glasses to me. $209.19 is to high a price. I get mine in the gift packs from the liquor store.

So Highball glasses.

Yeah, I can only assume that the set decorators had some sort of conversation that ended with “If we turn it upside down it will look more futuristic”

On the plus side glencairns are far more economical when you order by the case. So when people drop them it’s not that bad. I have been lucky and the majority of mine are intact even with minor mistreatment.

And I totally agree with you on casual bourbon drinking, a rocks glass is just better.


Maybe just as a Midwesterner, generally?

Or you can get 2 of these that are of similar design for less than $40:

Well I wouldn’t say Germany is in the Midwest.

Seriously though, I mean, yeah, there’s a clear connection with immigration from Germany and Central Europe of course.

Deckard’s whisky glass? That’s so 2019.

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