I wonder how many right wingers were buddies with Hunter before they scapegoated him to play to a conspiracy weirdo base
Revenge for Tucker letting Kyle Rittenhouse trash Lin Wood on his show, perhaps?
I think it’s called a merkin in that scenario.
Ah I didn’t watch a lot of KotH if any… that explains, thanks!
Almost certainly. Wood has also been criticizing MTG and several other conservative individuals and organizations. It really does look like Wood has lost touch with reality, and is not just running the standard grift the other Trumpublican/QAnoners are, and so I suspect that second group has decided to distance themselves from Wood, and that’s pissing him off. Rittenhouse was smart to ditch Wood because I have a feeling Wood would have presented a terrible defense, possibly on purpose, to make a martyr out of him
Lets hope so.
If they waste their time and energy with infighting, they can´t fight the people.
Pack schlägt sich, Pack verträgt sich.
I can believe this is true. I think there is a lot more chumminess between elites on opposite sides of the political divide than is generally acknowledged (look at the friendship between the Obamas and the Bushes, for example). People near the top know they have more in common with each other than with the common herd, regardless of party politics.
It’s interesting and terrifying to note that many Americans think this is sane.
Deep state foe Lin Wood…
Just an observation: Did a potent Deep State actually exist, The Donald would never have reached the White House. Reality is sadder than fantasy.
Hah, leider wahr.
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