'Delay the Election,' tweets President Donald Trump

I wonder whether that is what will actually make him lose. His idiot savant ability to manipulate the media might not work as well if he actually tried rather than bumbling along.


No offense to my U.S. brothers and sisters but the rest of the world has seen you guys as 1930s Germany for as long as you’ve found it acceptable that your kids salute flags in school while your government promotes war around the whole planet.


What the Alt-Right does is put their tribe above all else, denying responsibility for the whole. Compartmentalism, segregate, exclude.

I‘ve read the your comment, and while I agree that some ideas should not be given space, the people who have those ideas won’t just go away when one ignores them. You will no longer know how fucked up and dangerous those ideas have become, though, and you will get no chance to convince them one by one to join your cause.

I doubt things get any better when the divide is deepened, and that is what you and the person you quote are promoting. I‘m all for strengthening communities, that is helpful and necessary. But if we don’t take responsibility for the whole, no one will. Is that good?

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No offense taken by this American; flagrant hypocrisy (along with denial, greed, colonialism and exploitation) is what our nation was built on.


From the article:

But Trump’s tweet jumps the shark in so many ways that it is impossible to ignore.

That’s… that’s not how you use that expression.

The Trump show probably jumped the shark somewhere in the eighties, really. That’s when the writers last had any storylines that were at least someone believable in a story about a fraudulent, racist, predatory real estate magnate.


What’s on the jukebox’s playlist?



I want the beer concession, serving the line-up.



I think it is far more likely than 2:1 that the next duly-elected President is sworn in on schedule. What scares me, and frankly, what should scare us all, all is the reality that we have a President who would delay/cancel the election AND doesn’t care if he tears down our system of government, combined with the fact that the checks and balances we all count on have show themselves to be less than certain. And that President is telling us all this, explicitly.

Then you’ve got one group of heavily armed people facing off with another group of heavily armed people, with gray areas in legality and chain of command that make the whole shitshow even more dangerous.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. My best guess is that now that we’re less than 100 days out from the election and he realizes that, realistically, he’s unlikely to get any more Supreme Court justices appointed before the end of the term (which is the Federalists’ main goal) maybe he’s just seizing the opportunity to distance himself from Trump in an attempt to salvage his own reputation and pretend that he’s a principled conservative rather than an enabler of a clearly fascist leader.


To one wing of our country, Real Americans don’t live abroad.[1] That wing’s supporters will be happy to say that you gave up the rights of a citizen when you set foot on foreign soil. (They’re fond of saying that people ‘gave up’ their rights. I thought I remembered that one of our founding documents said that our rights are ‘inalienable’, but that word must not mean what I think it means.)

[1] Unless our military or mercenary operations send them over there to kill furriners.


To be fair (/s) he did just tick the 14th of 14 “characteristics of a fascist government.” I mean, until he has completed the list, you can’t really call him a fascist, right? (Yes, yes you can, many of us did, and do, and will continue to do.)


I almost (almost) hope the red states try, while the others either hold elections or allow mail-in ballots for everyone. The constitution doesn’t allow changing the date of the election, only a skewed subset of electoral votes would get submitted, probably not enough to elect a president, and it would have to 1) get litigated in court and then 2) go to congress for the first time since 1836 (which, note, was also the only election where faithless electors changed the results, although it was for VP and not the president and congress undid the effect by choosing the person the electors were supposed to vote for).

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Another test that he aced! Did he get them in order, because they say that if you get them in order you get extra points, and nobody gets it in order. They said “That’s an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did.”


Being fair to Orangy McBallsack isn’t something that would ever enter a sane persons thoughts at this point.

You have about 70,000 national guard troops deployed into cities as of early July. The ones in portland are from border patrol, and there are about 20,000 agents - not to say he’d remove them all from the borders. You don’t need a million people to disrupt voting, especially if they are armed to the teeth and are deploying intimidating hardware in key areas that could turn the election. Bush/Gore turned on B-roll of a fake protest by congressional staffers in Florida.


and he hasn’t had his riechstag fire yet. i expect that around halloween.


You can’t humiliate him; all his antics up to this point should have driven a normal individual to have stopped a long time ago, but he just keeps right on it, which is a sign that he’s not right in the head, and has no business as a leader of a country.

So The Orange Manolith has always said that he was a ‘great businessman’- the graph proves pretty handily that he isn’t. (that, and letting a casino go bankrupt?! how much does you have to skim off the revenue to pull that off?!?!)