Delusional Trump compares himself to Nelson Mandela and tells supporters, "You don't have to vote"

… he’s one of them Marxist antifas now :thinking:

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I just checked and the current image is not the merged Trump/Mandela image that my post was responding to, so I guess they updated it…


I can’t think of any way Trump is like NM. I bet you could find a similarity though if you had a day to ponder in silence.

They’re both people who have spent an unfair amount of time in prison?


Yep. If widespread voter fraud is achievable (despite requiring thousands of confederates, all of them thus far able to avoid fucking up, leaving evidence, or spilling the beans) then everyone who cares about “winning” is bound to be frauding always, so all elections are determined by the best cheaters. But you’re not cheating if your opponent is cheating, so it’s fair and just, which means the best frauder is in fact the best candidate. Trying to be lighthearted here, but seriously, seeing as a significant number of people believe (with little to no evidence) that widespread voter fraud is real, I too expect to see a number of bungled and botched attempts at voter fraud on behalf of “Republicans” during the 2024 elections. Zealots gotta zeal. A lot!

Why not? The right has been co-opting Orwell - who took a bullet through the throat fighting for socialism & against fascism - for a while now as some sort of anti-socialist.

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