Democrats will 'abolish' suburbs, lie Mark & Patricia McCloskey of St. Louis, who pointed guns at BLM protesters

“These people were peacefully marching by our house, and yet we were the ones charged with a crime simply because we threatened to shoot them!


It just dawned on me; the POS didn’t give a speech at the RNC last night? Wasn’t he supposed to be featured every night of the Con?


There were two segments that featured him “presidenting.” He pardoned a convicted bank-robber-turned-Trump-supporter, and witnessed a naturalization ceremony for 5 specially invited immigrants at the White House. It was pretty gross to see what should have been a joyous, non-partisan ceremony twisted in that way, especially since he’s done his darnedest to end all legal immigration during his term.


Thanks; I guess those count, even though other people were involved.

God, this year is taking so damn long to end…


When the idea was first floated to extend the Marta Train to Cobb Co (NE suburbs) in the 80s, the argument against it was that “urban youths” would ride Marta out there to steal from the nice (white) folks in Marietta. It got voted down by those nice people… because they’re not really that nice…

More recently, an expansion was on the ballot in the midterms out my way (west suburbs) and it was put on the ballot specifically then by the dwindling white minority out here to ensure that a lot of people wouldn’t be out voting for it and sure enough, it lost again. There were attempts to stop Marta expansion from being on the ballot from the legislature (I believe). But it’s going to be on the ballot in November yet again, if I’m not mistaken.


I had read that some of these newly naturalized had no idea they would be participating in the RNC event


That should clear it up


To be clear here, of course I understand the dog whistle being invoked by “suburbs”. My point was that, even if you’re the target demographic for said whistle, what do you actually think will happen? Single family homes will be made illegal? The phrase “Abolish suburbs” doesn’t even make sense on any kind of level that I can parse that would map to actual policy.


It’s insane, but some people really don’t want very many (or in some cases any) neighbors of color. They think it will “destroy” the character of their communities.

It’s not so much abolish, but just change what they look like, by making them more integrated into the metro areas they’re around, and make them more diverse. For some, that is abolishing them, because it was meant to be a safe enclave from minorities and the godless.


The “Policies” the RNC fears would be that Biden might try:

  1. To enforce the laws which prohibit discrimination in housing (can’t put up “for rent” sign that says “Only Whites Need Apply”)
  2. Enforce the laws which say that building low-income (inexpensive) housing cannot be prohibited by local authorities.
  3. Allow all them n***** to pretend like they’re just as good as us white folks. (ok, that’s not an actual Biden policy, but when it comes down to it, it’s what the RNC really cares about)

The BS scare story has the evil libruls changing zoning laws to encourage more multi-family dwellings and affordable housing, eliminating the mortgage tax deduction, declaring a “war on the car” through congestion fees and higher gas taxes and such, and enforcing anti-discrimination laws and laws against school segregation.

None of these things – even if they came to pass – would actually “abolish the suburbs”, of course. By implying that they would destroy “our (i.e. white and selfish) suburbs”, though, it’s a way for the GOP to get the frightened racists in the base to oppose any policy that threatens the interests of developers, bankers, the fossil fuel industry, and landlords.


At the least, a return to enforcing the Obama-era housing anti-segregation policy which Trump abandoned (MSN - repeal is the wrong word there of course, the president can’t just repeal laws passed by Congress. Trump just stopped enforcing it.)

At most, federal incentives to eliminate single-family zoning (which would NOT mean making single family homes illegal of course, only legalizing apartment buildings, duplexes, and inlaw units.)


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