Devastating remix of Ellen's lecture on befriending George W. Bush disappears after copyright takedown ... then reappears in force

I don’t know why “the left” would have contempt for DeGeneres. Watch some clips from her show. She hands out $10K, often in cash (even if it’s Shutterfly’s money and not her own) left and right to people who are doing good work, like teachers, and to people in need, and… There are a ton of these clips on YouTube.

Agreed; don’t talk the talk if you aint gonna actually walk the walk.

Fyi: 45 and all his enablers are not only on ‘my list,’ they’re first in line.


One million dead Iraqis, to begin with.

Liberal approach to poverty: paternalistic charity, delivered at the whim of the wealthy to “deserving” recipients.

Leftist approach to poverty: empower the proletariat, seize the means of production.


Oh. So before she schmoozed with GWB, things between her and “the left” (pretty big tent there) were OK, but after she said she was friends with the guy, “the left” all turned against her. Got it. Pretty black and white thinking there.

Personally I’ll reserve the right to praise her when she does something good and take her to task when she does something bad.

Oh, that segment of the left. Yeah, good luck with “seizing the means of production,” you’ll need it.

I will let Miles_McEnery speak for himself, but I interpreted his comment with the memory of liberals in 1996 picking up the end affirmative action banner, of liberals in 2004 saying “we should never have been in Iraq, but as long as we are there now…,” and of liberal pundits and politicians joining in the love-fest when good ol’ Ronny Ray-Guns shuffled off this mortal coil pontificating about “the Great Communicator.”

Liberals—the political class—in the US have very short memories, and never saw a right-wing status quo they could not rationalize and co-opt as their own. That’s why liberal Obama left us in Afghanistan and Iraq after two full adminsitrations, why his administration did not shut down Guantanamo Bay, why he kept up extraordinary rendition programs, drone bombing of children, etc.

That’s why I am just waiting for the next Democractic presidential administration to dither about and somehow not manage to close the concentration camps for immigrant children.

For what it is worth. (And did not take it as a comment on you)


You seem to be confusing charity with systemic change.


in a democracy you can never blame the president for anything.



Nope, I’m not. And, she’s going to be giving out a whole lot of money to people who need it before your systemic change picks up the slack.

I wrote the difference in the rest of my post, but you chose to ignore it.

I politely suggest that before anyone make claims about the the decency of Bush I or any of his clan (including his father Prescott) that they read Russ Baker’s book on the Bush crime family. Even just some, not even all of it.


Hello BB’ers,

Please stop cyber biting each other. Ellen & Bush 2 can & will go the way of the dustbin of history. Please focus on the task at hand, not this thinly veiled attempt to distract us from what’s important. Get that piece of sh!t tRump out of the Presidency. We got to pull our collective heads out’a our butts, NOW.


the biggest difference between gw and your friends and family, not knowing anything about who they are but guessing about who they are not, is that your family and friends are not responsible for mass murder and torture as a policy of our government and armed forces. that’s the main thing which makes me unwilling to give ellen a pass on this.


Please enlighten me on which war crimes Hillary has committed, and then go shove your false equivalency somewhere warm and dark.


The last president I can think of who was not responsible for mass murder was Jimmy Carter. And before that… Hrm. Kennedy. So, approximately every 20 or 30 years we get a 1 term or nearly 1 term president who isn’t a warmonger.

That leads me to believe the problems are systemic, not totemic.

I believe that we are not actually engaged in a debate about Ellen and George. We are debating something else but do not yet realize it.

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Kennedy? Are you joking?


Nobody blames Ellen for the war. Everybody blames Bush. Because he started it. By lying. And signed off on torture and other war crimes. Have you not been paying attention here?


Exactly! Which is why I’m friends with cannibals. We may disagree about the tastiness of human flesh and the morality of murdering people to get it, but the important thing is that I didn’t personally know any of their victims, so what do I care.


Jimmy Carter (a) armed the Mujahideen, and (b) actively supported the Indonesian genocide of Timor-Leste.

There are no good Presidents.




Ahhh, I see. There are NO good presidents. None whatsoever. This kool-aid tastes… Rather salty.