Devin Nunes: 'It’s possible' I talked to Lev Parnas

It’s possible we’ve all had a chance to talk to Lev Parnas. Every time you’ve felt down on a bus bench and a friendly Florida real estate businessman took a minute to cheer you up, that was Lev Parnas. Every time you’ve dialed a wrong number and the person on the other end wasn’t irritated, but took the mistake in good-natured stride, warmly sharing a laugh with you over the coincidences of life, that was Lev Parnas all along. Every time you’ve looked back at your solitary footprints on the beach with confusion, well, that was when Lev Parnas carried you.

If your heart is open, I’m sure you can even see Lev Parnas commenting in this very thread, spreading his special brand of hope and optimism and real estate opportunities to all who need it.