Dick Cheney to vote for Kamala Harris

Also, the Cheneys care about the political, diplomatic, economic and military power of the United States. They recognize that another Trump presidency would fuck up America and its international standing horribly, and possibly irreversibly.


I desperately need someone to pay Anthony Hopkins however much it costs to persuade him to record an in-character video of Hannibal Lecter saying things like he won’t vote for Trump because Trump is too evil even for him, but he’d like to eat him. Or something.

Actually, scrub the money - someone get AI to do it.

I’m pretty sure Trump is nothing but marbling.


In other words, he’s a tub of rancid lard.


Well, he will be about 5 minutes after “finished with engines” is rung down.

In the sense of Lardo di Colonnata being a well-marbled cut?


Hannibal Lector: Where’s my puke emoji?

And even Solomon Grundy is capable of good! (See the animated Justice League / Justice League Unlimited story line where Cyrus dies a noble death, at least once to save others. I can’t imagine Trump suffering a hang nail to save others, let alone anything serious.)

His heart donor was a Democrat.

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I think it’s just that, despite being an imperialist war criminal, he understands that a fascist US is bad for everyone. Including for those who are in favor of US empire… it’s much harder to justify actions like overseas wars, if the homeland is a fascist state.


Particularly if the US is under the control of a fascist who doesn’t even understand how government works. Dick Cheney has been a lot of things but “criminally incompetent” was never one of them. (Just “criminal.”)


Um, no. Quite the opposite.


You saying he likes working hard to “justify” his wars?

Cheney the person may or may not be classified as a fascist, but he wasn’t the vice president of a fascist country.
Not that he and his clique doesn’t try to come up with justifications, mind you. But exactly this shows that they know they aren’t operating within the parameters of a fascist state.
A fascist state doesn’t need any justifications, that’s the point of being fascist.
An authoritarian government doesn’t ask the people how they feel about something, an authoritarian government tells the people exactly what they are supposed to feel about any given thing.
You don’t have to dive into history, recent or ancient, just look at Project 2025. That’s what some assholes on the right want, a state where they can act with total impunity as they see fit.


I think it is… If one can hold oneself as a democratic state (which the US has always been a highly imperfect example of), then you at least have a fig leaf to justify things like invading Iraq or Vietnam. Of course, people see through it, and I never suggested otherwise. But enough people buy your shit that you can do what you want. It helps to have the biggest army on the block. You can also justify foreign actions to yourself and the population (for democracy, for freedom, etc). Again, I’m not saying it’s “right” or actual justifiable, but it makes it far less likely for your leaders to end up in the hague. I think you’ll agree with me that despite all the critics rightly pointing to war crimes, we’ve never had a political leader in the hague for what many of us agree are crimes against humanity. Now imagine Trump bombing mexico… that seems far more likely to garner a more publicly negative response from the international community, at the highest levels. So not just us ordinary schmoes protesting on the street, but more robust condemnation from our allies at the top levels.

I know, that was my point. Democracy gives people like Cheney cover for imperialist actions. You keep the metropole democratic, bring home spoils to keep the population agreeable, and you have a freer hand abroad. If you are cracking down on the homefront, and depriving large swaths of the population of their rights (say, by rounding up people and throwing them into camps), well…

And yes, I KNOW we have had and do have these problems, but they’re not as wide spread as what Trump and project 2025 are promising.

As people like Naomi Klein have been reminding us, fascism is imperialism turned inward.


Unless she wants to commit voter fraud, Liz from Wyoming probably shouldn’t vote in the Texas Senate race.

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