Dickhead's anti-yoga-pants letter to the editor sparks yoga-pants-parade

That guy would not have been let into that fancy restaurant in the first place, though.

Fair enough, but you are having a completely separate argument from what the point of the article was, and that was yet another man concern driving trollies women’s choices. Again. The guy had nothing to say on hygiene, but was solely focused on women’s choices, as if we’re not smart enough to dress ourselves and need a man’s guidance to do so.


True. I was responding more to the “I can wear whatever I want wherever I want and to hell with everybody else” comments that came up than to the article itself.


Unless it’s ‘indecent exposure’ or an actual public sanitation issue, (and therefore in violation of the law) I say again;

#Don’t look.

The world has so many other issues that are so much more dire than some self absorbed dude deciding he has the right to play “fashion police.”



I do think I can wear what I want, but if I’m wearing something gross, I’d fully expect to be not let in some places. I wouldn’t wear something gross though.

I don’t think anyone meant that they could coat themselves in bodily fluid or stink up a place and get away with that. I am rather certain they were talking more about men attempting to assert control over women’s bodies/lives by talking down to them about how they dress and shaming them for daring to age in public.


All of your examples so far conflate controversial sartorial choices with poor hygiene. So I think that’s not drawing an honest picture of the sort of boundary issues in question here.

sweatpants = doesn’t bathe
sandals = has toenail fungus
cutoff t-shirt = crusty person scratching themselves

I am quite sensitive to hygiene problems, but not to fashion choices. I see those as usually completely separate.


I doubt even that. This guy is a special category of entitled dickhead.

My thoughts exactly. I imagined this whole thing to be the brainchild of a horny 12-year-old hoping to see the hot neighbor lady parading through town in yoga pants.

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##This, exactly.

As has been stated previously, the dickhead’s objection had nothing whatsoever to do with public health or any other legitimate concern; it was strictly based upon his own personal preference for a certain aesthetic on female bodies, as if all women should cater to his desires.

Then when the guy caught some much deserved backlash for exposing that audacious-ass attitude to the public, he tried to walk it back by calling it ‘satire.’


You’d be surprised how many people fall into that category, actually. This guy’s tone is not at all uncommon or unsurprising.


You’re overthinking this. While some women do wear yoga pants while practicing yoga, the majority of people wearing them at any given time are not practicing yoga, nor probably anywhere near a yoga studio. There’s a good chance that they are also wearing tennis shoes while not playing tennis, and drinking a pumpkin spice latte that contains no pumpkin.

We guys are stuck wearing sweatpants that we will never break a sweat in.


I’ve gone into convenience stores to buy water after running 20 miles, at which point my clothes are totally destroyed with sweat. Nobody has ever called me out on it. On the other hand, women wear yoga pants, and this asshole decides to flip his shit…


Sure. But none of that is actually relevant to the OP, yeah?

And do you realize who you are replying too? @popobawa4u is the emperor of overthinking stuff around these parts… which is why we love them!



Fixed to make it official looking and perfect.


Well, you see, what I wrote was satire, so… joke’s on you?


OH! Sorry! Carry on!


A guy in a Speedo is standing three feet away from the table where you’re eating a hot dog for lunch, facing you. Just don’t look, right? It’s that simple!

Okay, maybe three feet is in your personal space. Make it six feet. Now everything’s fine, yeah?

You’re losing sight of the more important question:

Is there ketchup on that hot dog?


Hihi, no, LOL


It’s a quote from one of her songs. She’s talking about men in bars (etc.) assuming that just because she’s there and they find her attractive, therefore she is required to spend time talking with them and/or going home with them later.