Did RFK Jr. just drop a hidden Nazi code in his tweet?

Do nazis still think that’s a secret code? Aren’t we all aware of what those two things mean by now?


On one level, it’s baffling just because it’s so blatant he doesn’t really have any plausible deniability. As others have pointed out, every claim in his tweet as far as when and how other candidates have gotten protection is false. So any non-Nazi explanation for the numbers is clearly bullshit. On the other hand, it’s not baffling because holy shit I made the mistake of actually going to Twitter/X and the replies to him reveal that a lot of people are buying the bullshit. I mean, it’s skewed, of course. I realize it’s not really that many people, but damn. Can we make it so blatantly being a Nazi is an instant career killer again, please?


I mean…they still think “Let’s Go Brandon” is funny, so …


Politically aware people like most of us here are [ETA: aware of what 14/88 signifies]. The corporate media also knows but politely pretends it’s all a co-incidence if they acknowledge it at all. I’m honestly not sure if most people understand it, though.

One thing’s for sure: what’s important to RFK Jr. in this instance is that his fascist supporters know what it means.


There was a great bit on the Amber Ruffin show where one of the performers pretended to be a MAGA guy, and joked about Let’s Go Biden being a “secret code” and then Amber Ruffin was just like “Fuck Joe Biden”…



Our campaign’s request included a 67-page report from the world’s leading protection firm…

Look who’s all of a sudden trusting experts when it comes to matters of life and death.


Like the overt Nazis around Kanye and his candidacy, there are certainly those working in the spoiler candidate industry who are doing it for love of money, and love of the fascism of TFG. If Kennedy was any sort of a judge of character, he wouldn’t promote the characters he does.



Yes, he told people he is, indeed, a Nazi supporter and everyone who he was hoping would get this message has definitely received it.

And he’ll plausibly deny it and we’re all just over reacting and gosh now numbers aren’t legal anymore? The media will pretend like it was just a random coincidence even though there is no 14 day pro forma thing, there is no form that gets filed (they just do it) , and thus no form has been waiting for response for 88 days.


If you do what pedophiles do - do you get to argue you’re not really a pedo - you’re just doing it to upset people?

What kind of excuse is that?


Did RFK Jr. Just drop a hidden Nazi code in his tweet?

Hang on, let me get the Enigma out… (muffled rummaging, a crash, then a grunt and the sound of something heavy dropping onto a table) Right, now we’ll replace the discs and… okay what’s the code? (Pause) 1488? (A longer pause) Seriously? I lugged this bastard up here for 1488? Of course that’s nazi shit. Geez. Why didn’t you just say so in the first place? (Wanders off nursing a bruised knee.)


Not that much, really. There is a path from crunchy granola to eco-fascism that some people take. By now a well trodden and conveniently marked path, actually.


That would somewhat depend on in which context.


Right?!? I guess there’s a reason we don’t abbreviate that particular federal agency…


Totally agree, many Americans just aren’t paying much attention at all. I think it’s easy for people who are plugged in to assume that whatever knowledge we have is fairly common, but I suspect that’s an inbuilt cognitive bias in humanity. If I hadn’t been terminally online at points in my life, I doubt I would have known about the ok sign thing especially. The popular press doesn’t really cover it, and what kind of politically disinterested person is just going to go out and learn modern Nazi code phrases/symbols?

That said, I think the 14 words thing was mentioned in an episode of West Wing? I suspect it’s fairly common knowledge.


Yes. He did.


My intense response wasn’t because of your fine comment - I’m just frustrated by that goon. I didn’t really mean it to sound as if I was giving you pushback - I wasn’t. He’s the moron.


Others have already told you; it doesn’t matter if they ‘actually mean it’ or they are just trolling.


So if someone decides to use triangle pizza slices to trolley q-anon people that means that individual is really a -fill in the blank-? To the majority of folks out there the Ok symbol has nothing to do with white power and never did. This is definitely different than your comic strip example… and the example of the article is somewhere in between arguably closer to your example.

To me the intention of “silent dog whistle to rally nazi support” vs “let me take this (to the vast majority) subtle/unknown reference thing that will trigger a reaction in my political opponents and make them appear to lose credibility as if they’re conspiracy nuts” is a worthwhile distinction when judging the person. Even if the result is going to be doing both.

All that being said… Thinking back to the last thing I read regarding RFK and his assertions that covid was engineered to spare Ashkenazi all signs point towards: not a mistake, not a political feint to garner a reaction out of people but legitimate call to the brownshirts.


Verifiable citation required; otherwise that’s just your personal opinion based solely upon your own limited experience.

The meaning of symbols can change, especially if they become associated with heinous anti-human rhetoric.

For instance:

This isn’t a ‘harmless joke’ or a fuckin’ game.


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