RFK Jr presents a strong case against RFK Jr

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/04/rfk-jr-presents-a-strong-case-against-rfk-jr.html


What IS up with his voice?

When his family denounced him, his sister(?) had a voice that sounded like it was developing the same thing, so maybe it’s some genetic issue.


Spasmodic dysphonia, also known as laryngeal dystonia, is a disorder in which the muscles that generate a person’s voice go into periods of spasm.

The cause is unknown. Risk factors may include family history. Triggers may include an upper respiratory infection, injury to the larynx, overuse of the voice, and psychological stress. The underlying mechanism is believed to typically involve the central nervous system, specifically the basal ganglia.

((heh, classic name for a condition. “ill sound (due to) spasms”, know just a little Latin and sometimes it gets a bit silly: “Doc! Doc! These purple spots are everywhere! What have I got!?” “hmm… hmm… just a professional guess, but I’d say you’ve got a case of macular purpurica here”))


Smbc Steatopygia


… his brother too


Maybe his backers ordered him to activate the self-destruct?


hnnh, that doesn’t even require too much tin foil: “He’s pulling from the trumpies! he was supposed to pull down Biden!” “Buy him off double to kibosh his campaign” but, given his insane views he’ll probably need help in really ending it - maybe next he’ll go shoot his dog or some-such.


… but if RFK Jr. quits the race, who will keep the Democratic Party heat off Cornel West

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I got the feeling that we didn’t see the punchline of this video. I imagine it’s something along the lines of “Do you see how afraid the mainstream media are of me?”


Either that, or RJK, Jr. thinks these all sound so ridiculous that he thinks anyone watching this video will also think they all sound ridiculous, thus depowering the criticisms. The problem is that he actually does sound ridiculous (and I don’t mean his voice, I mean the things he says sound ridiculous), and any reasonable person who has listened to him for more than a few minutes sees that, and so the criticisms don’t sound ridiculous. A couple of them are mean. His vocal spasms are not his fault, and making fun of him for that is no different than Trump mocking a disabled reporter. But the ones making fun of the content of what he says…those are spot on.


Almost every image of this guy reminds me of Mr. Oliver from Reaper, after he dies and learns…he can’t die

If somebody releases a video of him singing “Daisy, Daisy…” I will seriously have a hard time telling if it’s a deepfake.


I’m gonna go with “Showing empathy for his tinfoil-hat base”. I’m sure they’ve all had comments over the years, and maybe he’s sending the message “It happens to me too. Aren’t we special?”

Blerg, trying to think like him leaves a bad taste.

Sarah Silverman Eww GIF by HULU


In which Theophrastus is revealed to be Jonathan Hoag.


'A case of mortis portalis tackulum with complications.’
‘What’s that mean?’ said Chidder.
‘In laymen’s terms,’ the doctor sniffed, ‘he’s as dead as a doornail.’
‘What are the complications?’
The doctor looked shifty. ‘He’s still breathing,’ he said.

— Terry Pratchett, Pyramids


I’m doing my part!


Shush! You let that info put, the whole jig is up! :grin:


I mean, I kinda get the idea. Make light of the bad commentary. Laugh at it. Let them seem like the bad guys. Who doesn’t like “celebs read mean tweets”.

Think it’s pretty misguided tho. Probably shouldn’t start with some really hard truths, like “everyone in his family can’t stand him”.

Start with something funny and light, that makes the other person seem more bad than you. Like “he’s got the brains and good looks of a 1964 JFK”, or “he’s like Kermit the frog after a bad divorce”. Make sure you can smile through it. When it’s true, make sure it isn’t damaging, and preferably obvious and unavoidable.

Cornell west, RFK Jr., and Jill Stein are doing their best to give the country over to the right wing. It’s quite impressive.

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