Dilbert dropped by "many news outlets" after creator's racist mutterings

I assume that he supplements by smelling his own farts?

ETA: Ah! and now @catsidhe has explained how those are generated, I see

"Adams himself noted, “the mineral fortification was hard to disguise, and because of the veggie and legume content, three bites of the Dilberito made you fart so hard your intestines formed a tail.” (Ed. Note: He kept selling them)

The New York Times noted the burrito “could have been designed only by a food technologist or by someone who eats lunch without much thought to taste.”


CBC radio had a clip of his response to the whole situation last night and my life definitely wasn’t improved by hearing it.

edit: I was going to edit in a string of negative adjectives before response, but not worth


I remember when he gave up meat back in the 90s he instantly became one of those people responsible for reinforcing the “vegans are insufferable, judgmental dorks” stereotype because of course he did. I wonder how well that sits with his Men’s Rights Alpha-Male pals these days.


It would not surprise me if some subset of them glommed onto the vegn thing as well, because it’s hard to think of some niche they have not occupied.
Because I had observed lots of veg
n behavior before becoming vegetarian myself, I did everything possible to not be one of “those people”. Recent converts to nearly anything - diet, exercise, religion/nonreligion, you name it - can often be insufferable, and I basically didn’t talk about it outside of the house- and still really don’t - unless I’m directly asked or if it’s part of a conversation about making sure I’ll have something to eat at a group function. People tend not to react very well to what they view as scolding and judgement - it’s no way to make converts, if that’s the intent.
So it’s not surprising at all that Scott Adams would be one of those people that would never shut up about it.


In the case of some of them I wonder if they don’t attempt to adopt it in a sort of “projecting discipline and self mastery” disordered eating kind of way?

I am not saying that vegans have an eating disorder, not at all.

But I have known people that get obsessed with “clean” foods, super foods, or hard to follow, extremely restrictive diet because it gives them a sense of controlling something that they do not have in the rest of their lives. Not an attempt to diagnose anyone one in particular (I couldn’t even if I wanted to), but it is something that I have noticed and have occasionally semi-done before realizing what I am doing and shaking it off.

Also, given the type of people we are talking about I assume a bunch of them are just lying about anything they say


Really? Was it like the Breatharian “only air” diet, with a side-order of cheese-burger, fries and a milk-shake?


The term of art here is “orthorexia”, and it’s definitely a thing.


In his telling he proudly announced to his followers and acquaintances that he would no longer be eating “anything with a face.” Then one of his apparently equally smug friends pointed out that clams should be OK since they don’t have faces, and he responded “they have ugly little faces, and shut up.”


Bingo. That’s exactly the type of thing I had in mind, really, when it comes to self-harm and obsession - I’ve seen some very unhealthy vegans - the old joke is that soda and chips can technically be “vegan”. I’ve seen those on the paleo diet eating pounds of bacon per day because that’s what our ancestors all ate, right? Smoked meats by the pound? Or Peterson claiming he’s on an all-beef diet - talk about a sure path to health problems.
While there is something to be said for some degree of discipline and mastery, IMHO, that should also come with the discipline and self-mastery to shut up about it around people that just don’t GAF about your latest “thing”, LOL. I do a lot of self-experimentation with diet and exercise and so on, but I don’t feel I need to be telling everyone within earshot about how the latest experiment is going, and I definitely don’t plan on being some “influencer” with my own channel blathering about it every day to strangers.
But yeah, the toxic/dark side of the “projecting mastery” part would be right in-line with the Proud Boy thing of not yanking it, for example. I’m sure they never stop talking about that, as well. The same types seem to be very into what I call “bro science” and as much as I hate to admit it, I think there is a fair degree of “bro science” that goes with vegetarianism/veganism, too and the general memeplex seems to carry things like being antivax with it.
I will just say I hope these people don’t turn to vegan/vegetarianism in any large numbers. I’d rather they are calling me a “soy boy” than for me to have any association with these people. It’s bad enough that people like Woody Harrelson are out there saying what he said on SNL. /facepalm


Ok, that’s pretty damn funny.

But now my dreams will be plagued by visions of a hollow, pink tail.

Absolutely the worst version of any discipline or dogma ever (except for the outright violent ones, that is). I’m so grateful that I was able to remember the actual teachings of Buddha and Lao Tsu in spite of supposed acolytes like this.


I think it was the Beef Council or some such trade organization that had an ad campaign along the lines of “Vegetarians don’t live longer, they just look that way.” Despite being a steadfast vegetarian at the time, I found this f’ing hilarious.


Reminds me of…


5thD chess?

@Popehat OK, the following is pure conjecture about why he may have chosen this moment to go full racist, but why not make this conjecture to a lawyer: I just read his Wikipedia page and it says he has a condition that has been making it physically difficult to draw his strip. Could he have been just about to retire anyway, and thought WTH this is a way to get out of remaining contracts and obligations.

I think he could have ended his obligations without setting fire to anything else he might want to do in the future, outside the alt-right, of course.


Also known as bromeopathy.


Tuckems the Tanner is a perfect example of Planet Bro Science. Is it wrong to laugh at them if they fall asleep and get one hell of a sunburn in their “region”? I’m picturing Fishstick Fountleroy trying to walk around like that.
Also, “bromeopathy”, I’m going to have to remember that one. :rofl:


… apparently they do



kevin kline GIF by FilmStruck

“No, Otto, the central tenet of Buddhism is not ‘every man for himself.’”


“These are facts. I looked them up.”


Came here to say something similar. It took a while for me to catch on. Everyone laughed at the jerkwater boss and didn’t notice that Dilbert looked down at everyone, boss and coworkers alike, from his lofty libertarian perch as the smartest asshole in the room. The parallels between him, Adams, and the dot-com tech bros should have struck me earlier.


Thank you. I’m just posting something here that the Tom Tomorrow (Dan Perkins), just pointed out himself in his supporter newsletter.

So when I say he deserves your support, I mean it.