Dildo throwing rebels hold Paiute artifacts hostage, refer to native peoples as "savages"

Republicans know what they are like and assume all other right wing governments are just the same. Figures.


Off topic, but that’s one of the root causes of our macro-scale problems.


In the original text it says “over $1 million”. Some kind of software bug?


Not because they like talking on radios while driving around?


See I don’t like douche for the same reason I don’t like any insult that relates to vagina. Why is it an insult? If it’s the gross bag aspect then colostomy bag would be fine. But it’s not. So methinks it has more to do with the gendered aspect of it.


Nah. It’s not saying “you’re a colostomy bag wearer” implying colostomies are impure or bad, it means “you are full of shit and a social inconvenience”, implying the bearing of the of the insult is like invasive surgery that leaves an unpleaseant burden, one that you would not wish on anyone.

It’s also not my joke, comes from an early '00s blog.


Maybe “impacted turd” would be more accurate for anyone who causes unpleasantness and won’t go away?


More on the moron artefact gropers here, including groping video.

More white folks standing up for non-white folks in ways not welcomed by the non-white folks. Why is it so hard for the former to actually talk to the latter and find out what THEY want to do?


Considering they took the name at least 20 decades before the invention of radio, probably not. :wink:


This took much longer than I thought it would.

I always knew they’d snap when the Paiute Nation didn’t back them over their stupidness. I’m just surprised it took WhiteISIS this long to get the hint.

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OK - you know what - this is just really, blatant bad reporting. I mean, I don’t agree with them occupying the building. I definitely don’t think they should be tearing up any land. But hey, let’s actually attack them for what they do, and not just put a word in “quotes” and let the reader then imagine how terrible they are.

From the article:

OK that sounds horrible - until you read the whole quote:

So while that word is a bad choice, they are using it in a HISTORICAL context - something in the past. Not calling Native Americans in 2016 savages.

Second the BB headline is “Dildo throwing rebels hold Paiute artifacts hostage…”. Except no, they aren’t. The video on Gawker actually showed that if any thing the Government isn’t taking proper care of the artifacts. (Granted a rats nest won’t hurt stone artifacts, but they could damage pottery or something less durable like baskets.) They didn’t tear shit up, they looked inside a few boxes to see what was inside and even said they maybe the Paiute would/should take them back. That is hardly holding something hostage. Holding something hostage is saying, “We have these things and won’t give them back unless you send us more jerky.”

Again I am not excusing their other inexcusable actions, but twisting words and dog piling isn’t right either. Especially in a media outlet. Be better than that.


“copy million”?


I’m sure Mister44 can clarify but I’d guess he is likely a member of the Potawatomi Nation.

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I’m not surprised at all, all the evidence is that Vanilla ISIS aren’t very bright.

Thanks. I can’t unsee that, you know. Does anyone have any mental floss? This is stuck in my head !

Vaginal douching is also superfluous at best, and dangerous at worst. I’d say that also describes many people who are labeled as such.

But agree with you that trying to insult people with vagina names is stupid and demeaning for numerous reasons.


Gendered insults are just indicative of a poor imagination. :wink:


sure. But a colostomy is also full of foul smelling air that must be vented regularly.

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You’re excusing their excusable actions, as you define excusable. Maybe you can work to be on the Jury?

as for the artefacts. They’ve gone from being held by an accountable organization which fails, to being held by a totally unaccountable organization? You might see that as neutral, i see it as a loss.


You mean it doesn’t refer to fucked-up mustard?