Originally published at: Disgraced lawyer Alan Dershowitz goes on national TV to complain that he's been "silenced" | Boing Boing
Oh no, a couple of local communities have told you to GTFO… You’re not silenced, you’re just not invited. This kind of shit is annoying imo.
What age of girls, Alan? What age?!
Wait, Greta Van Susteren is still broadcasting?
Since when is newsmax national TV?
“Yeah, of course. So I’ve been cancelled, basically, by the Chilmark Library. That has resulted in lots of people in Chilmark calling me and calling the library and saying, “We’re being deprived of Alan’s annual speech.” [Ebba Hierta, the Chilmark’s director, disputed Dershowitz’s characterization, and said, “Not one single person has contacted me to complain that they haven’t had a chance to hear Alan speak.” ]”
“[The Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center said that there has never been any discussion about not allowing Dershowitz to speak. The Martha’s Vineyard Book Festival, which is run by the Chilmark Community Center, said, “We have who we think are the most important writers.” ]“
You’re a nobody, Alan. No one is interested. Get used to that.
Once again someone is arrogant enough to think he can emerge from an Isaac Chotiner interview unscathed; once again that person is proven wrong. Dersh probably doesn’t grasp how thoroughly he got owned in that article.
If you count Newsmax as broadcasting.
Come now, it’s watched from Sochi to Vladivostok!
I know exactly how Alan feels, I can’t speak at the Martha’s Vineyard Library either.
Is it me, or is she taking on the grungy orange afterglow, vacuous sneer, and bilious combover pompadour that T***p has?
There are so many choice fact checks in that article. My favorite:
“Trump made a very bad joke, and people laughed. I didn’t laugh. [He did.]”
He kept repeating that people didn’t like that he “defended the Constitution on behalf of Trump”. That whole interview could be summed up with, “No, come on you guys, I’m not a Trump supporter! I promise! Please like me again! Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”
Fucking cry baby drama queen.
You can always go vacation with your people, Alan. Fisher’s Island- Branson - The Alabama coast.
It’s a library. You’re supposed to be quiet there, dumbass.
Lie with dogs, wake up with fleas.
This, from a Constitutional lawyer.
Who, by the way, now downplays his fulsome participation in the OJ trial (which was the start of his decline).