Originally published at: Larry David unloaded on Alan Dershowitz at a grocery store | Boing Boing
Wait, working with Trump was the bit that made them fall out? Guy’s been an obvious piece of shit for years and years. Always made my skin crawl.
Why does Dershowitz insist that he has a right to friendship with others who choose to not continue it or reciprocate? Seriously, do folks like him not grasp that free association is one of the fundamental rights of the constitution that he claims to cherish?
In short, No they don’t get it.
Hmmm, the encounter itself seems plausible, but this part doesn’t pass my smell test.
My sniff test came up inconclusive as well.
Maybe the overwhelming stench rolling off Dersch of pure, unadulterated bullshit is running interference.
Can we look forward to another butthurt Dershowitz op-ed about how his Vineyard friends won’t invite him to parties anymore because he’s too principled?
But that is not good enough for some of my old friends on Martha’s Vineyard. For them, it is enough that what I have said about the Constitution might help Trump. So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard. One of them, an academic at a distinguished university, has told people that he would not attend any dinner or party to which I was invited. He and others have demanded “trigger warnings” so that they can be assured of having “safe spaces” in which they will not encounter me or my ideas. Others have said they will discontinue contributions to organizations that sponsor my talks.
I am 10000% sure no one in his social circle ever said “give me a trigger warning if Dershowitz is coming so I can retreat to my safe space where I will not have to encounter his ideas.”
They probably said something along the lines of “Dersh isn’t coming, is he? Let me know if that asshole shows up because I can’t stand being in the same room with the guy anymore.”
If someone is carrying water for Donald Trump they’re not going to let reality get in the way of a dog-whistle swipe against effete academic elites.
Wait 'til Larry unleashes Susie on Dersh. The least he deserves for being buddy-buddy with fascists and child molesters.
The NY Times had six different reporters on four different “Vineyard Shuns Dershowitz” stories three summers ago.
Top Times editor Dean Banquet described the problem as a coordination issue. What he should have admitted is that his reporters have a big groupthink problem, an overreliance on a limited set of unreliable sources, and a troubling tendency to let those sources inject their views into the news without questioning or context.
What are the odds the same reporters were performing the same service for Dershowitz as an outlet for Trump as he was attacking Democracy in 2020-21, except under the cover of anonymity? Top Times DC reporter Jeremy Peters ran one of the credulous Vineyard shunning pieces. Is he still tight with Dershowitz?
We know Ken Vogel was acting as a conduit for Giuliani and his Russian handlers leading up to the 2020 election. Why does Banquet still employ Vogel?
I am told cabdrivers on Martha’s Vineyard used to warn their fares about staying away from a certain nude beach “because that’s where Dershowitz goes.”
old, dirty Volvo.
Wasn’t he in the Wu-Tang Clan?
I didn’t read the Times stories and I’m not sure what you’re insinuating. Is the idea that there was a Times-Dershowitz conspiracy designed to help his book sales and that the reporters involved then moved on to a sub-rosa effort to promote Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign? That’s a striking conclusion to draw based on slight evidence. I’ll admit, though, that I pay very little attention to the Times and it’s possible I’ve missed something.