Disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker now selling potato soup buckets on TV

Unless they have changed since the late '70s, really unbearable. I’d rather have eaten my jungle boot.

Damn you! Here I thought I’d finally gotten that tune out of my head!!

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He’s prepped and ready now!

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If you’ve got the storage anyway, canned beans means you don’t have to waste precious water reconstituting beans.


In certain areas of Alaska (Denali, Glacier Bay National Park) you have to carry food and things that have smells (deodorant, soap,etc) in bear canisters, which don’t hold as much as one would like. So freeze dried food, or dried rices and beans, nuts, etc are the only option. You just have to make sure you are certain if enough viable water is available where you go. I had a pretty crazy kayaking trip with someone that left their extra water behind and every fresh water source on the map was dry. Solution came from chipping off top of very small iceberg. Great trip!


The soup tastes like schadenfreude.


This! will be the currency of the wasteland…

So sayeth Immortan Frank.


mmm German soup :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, or pull a dick proennecke. That guy makes Ron Swanson look like a cub scout.


I can hardly wait for the prepper community to rend itself asunder in a holy war over whether or not the End-Times-Bucket-O-Russian-Dressing™ should have caviar, or not.


#What – old Tammy dead! then I’m the King o’ the Cats!


Yes, I totes can. But it would look nothing like the posers on TV. And it would take a hell of a lot of steel, granite, and sacrificial patsies.


  • God Soup Nazi

The worst that’s remotely likely is camping in a damaged house or on the drive without utilities for 3 days to a week while the only road to our village is reinstated. And that’s not particularly likely. But without the road it’s an hour by MTB through forest to get out either way, so we have to make a plan …

Many thanks all for the feedback on MREs.

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What’s the thing in the lower right corner, a cyanide capsule?

And where are the cigarettes?

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this had better make it into the new bloom county 2015…


Yeah and when you’re not having them issued to you, with no choice, you can easily avoid the bad ones. Or use them as forfeits in bets. There’s tons of info online about which ones are worthwhile. Thanks to many a hilarious gripe from bored soldiers. Off the top of my head the tuna noodle casserole is a disaster, and the franks and beans have been a legend since they invented the things. They call them the 5 fingers of death or some such. I remember really liking the beef stew, and the chicken with rice though. Also a lot of info out there on how to hack together the components into something marginally better. But again my experience with them was something fun my dad brought back from work, or my brother mailed home from deployment for no particular reason. I haven’t tried them all, they keep adding new stuff, and the commercially available ones are significantly different.

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Unless they have changed since the late '70s, really unbearable. I’d rather have eaten my jungle boot.

They’ve changed. All-volunteer force now, remember? Can’t make 'em eat that kinda slop. (-:

They even have vegetarian versions, now.

Still, they’re not exactly gourmet food. (And no cigarettes, either. These days, ya gotta buy your own dip.)

I have a suggestion-- bear with me here-- suppose the soup is contained in a bag inside the bucket, with the top of the bag connected to a hose that hooks over the rim. Each time you eat a nutritious, satisfying meal of potato-based soupfood, you free up a little more space inside the bucket. And then when it’s time to take a dump, you just shit it right back into the same bucket! I just saved you a whole bucket’s worth of precious bunker space! HOT DAMN.

Now, get Benny Hinn demonstrating that on cable and you’ve got yourself a bestselling product.


The waterproof matches were hit or miss, so even if you had cigarettes…