Disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker now selling potato soup buckets on TV


Wait… 7 years of food? Is he selling Soylent as well as Potato Soup?

Try eating a military MRE.


Three lies in one!


There can only be one response.


As a guy who generally doesn’t care about anything I find myself oddly pissed off that scumbag outlived her. Is there no god?


My take on this is different. If you don’t have any food during the waiting period you will… die? So, not actually a problem?

They couldn’t find a trough?

“Don’t let the rapture lead to a rupture. Prepare with… Passion!”


I suspect you could make more than one. :slight_smile:

Yeah I never got that… as Penn and Teller stated on an episode of Bullshit all the scenarios have like 90+% of humanity dying so why not play the odds and enjoy the now?

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They do if they’re Post-Tribulation Rapture preppers. But yeah, pre-trib rapture preppers really don’t make sense at all. And most US fundies are pre-trib, so laying up popcorn for cloud-top consumption while they watch the heathen burn would make more sense than prepping.

Maybe they’re hedging their bets?


She always looked terribly unhappy in all of her photos. Like there was someone off-camera holding a gun to her puppy’s head, threatening to kill it if she didn’t smile wide enough.


How bearable are they?

Serious question, we need to lay in some more just-in-case food. Not in case of the end of the world or civilisation breakdown, just that NZ gets a lot of natural disasters and civil defence is spread thin when anything happens. We’re currently relying on a stack of canned stuff and dried food but have to actually eat that every now and then. MREs look like a buy and forget solution?

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It’s the same as every rapture generation . they get off on the excitement, it’s not logical.

They don’t last forever either. They are supposed to be tasty but heavy on the salt and you will eventually need to eat or toss them as well. Possibly good for a bit of variety anyway. The bonus is they do come with things that generate the required heat so instant hot meal when you can’t make a fire.

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I know this won’t sound super tasty, buy jugs of water, rice, salt, dried beans, sugar, honey, jerky, and dried citrus/sour fruit.


Watched a couple of episodes of Doomsday Peppers. I tried to keep my spirits up by telling myself that at least it was transferring wealth from people who appeared to have plenty to working class types with families to feed. But even that rationalization failed me because the firm was selling overpriced crap that wouldn’t actually help that much if the S really did HTF.

Could somebody actually make a survival castle that would actually work? And maybe throw in some therapy while they’re at it? After all, building an effective survival castle would require formulating some actually self-consistent End of the World scenarios wouldn’t it? Surely that might bring about a moment of clarity?

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I actually kind of like them, like lunchables for adults. Some of the flavors are awful. Others surprisingly good. I remember there was a lemon poppy seed pound cake that was awesome. But then I’ve never had to eat the damned things 3 times a day for extended periods.

A couple things to know. First IIRC it’s illegal to buy and sell the actual military mres, but they’re still plenty available on ebay. There are a lot of civilian versions out there, though the contents are different. Second they technically only have like a 3 year shelf life. But that assumes piss poor storage in a war zone. They’ll actually last quite a lot longer if kept cool and dry. I’ve seen people eat mres from Vietnam, apparently they were fine. The third is that since they’re military rations they contain a shit load of calories. I think a full days ration of 3 is supposed to clock in at 5000 calories.


I’d be happier if that title ended with “… on a street corner”