Originally published at: Do you want a Velveeta Martini? | Boing Boing
Do I want a Velveeta Martini?
God, no. Keep that thing far, far away from me.
I bet someone could do something interesting by making an extra-sharp cheddar infused vodka, but not Velveeta.
I… I have NOT seen this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will now go gouge my eyes out.
The Betteridge’s Law of Headlines is strong with this one!
I might have just thrown up in my mouth a little.
I’m game. I love fake cheese and I quite like martini. Also, olives.
Replacing olives with a few cubes of (fake) cheese on a skewer should’ve been as far as this went.
I can’t believe I have to do this
I do not think that you in fact have to do this! It would be possible to let all weird faux cheese marketing campaigns pass without comment or coverage. Just a thought.
That looks like it should have been featured in a really bad 1950’s or 1960’s cookbook, right next to a Jell-O and spam dessert (with a mayo-based glaze, because why not?)
If I didn’t have a strong stomach or weren’t laughing at some of the absurd dishes I found with my search for “bad 1960s cookbook recipes” it might have been unfortunate that I’d searched for that so soon after lunch.
There needs to be a new ring in hell for anyone who commits such sacrilege.
Enter the “Veltini,” aka the Velveeta Martini, which you’ve surely seen all over your social media feeds by now.
This makes me very happy that I consume almost no “social media feeds.”
Of course, BB has still subjected me to the horror, so
I will spray canned cheese straight into my mouth, like how refined gentlemen do. This martini business is a tacky sham for cheese posers.
Veltini? Really?
Come on people, it’s right there!
i’m with the wag who said, “this just screams ‘i’m giving up, but i’m gonna make it look classy.’”
I do not, in fact want this.
However, it’s been a long week, so later today a martini sounds good. Made with St. George Terroir gin.
No, I do not.