Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders win New Hampshire primaries

We will end their shenanigans at the convention. Worry not.

How exactly does that work at the convention? Because I can’t help feeling that even if Sanders kicks Clintons ass that we’ll still see the “establishment” install her.


They can try. Only so many coin flips and superdelegates.



Warren, who flirted with a presidential run for months (and the progressive world flirted back), could easily endorse either candidate without taking a reputational hit.

Yeah, no. I can’t see there being much of a positive reaction if she endorses Clinton.

The rest of her female Democratic senators have already thrown in for Clinton,

I checked last night (as part of my being pissed off about superdelegates). Not only have both of WAs Senators endorsed her, so has the governor and Seattle’s soon-to-retire congresscritter.

Still haven’t seen any Clinton signs around here, but loads of Sanders ones. Methinks the local politicians don’t quite have their fingers on the pulse around here.


I’m mostly interested in who people who face re-election in November are endorsing, who they want to be on a ballot with, but I am lazy. I’ll research it eventually (damnit Cowicide, where did you go?)


In WA, Gov Jay Inslee and Senior Senator Patty Murray are facing re-election.

Since Seattle is basically the only reason Dems win statewide elections (the rest of the state is just greater Idaho), I’ll be interested to see how their re-elections turn out if they misjudge the feelings of their power base.

The only local pol I know who is behind Sanders is Kshama Sawant, but she’s a Socialist, not a Democrat.

Counting the days to the end of Cow’s ban.


Part of me wants to petition the powers that be. The rest of me recognizes the impracticality of pushing a don’t push your luck dragon.



If the average Republican knew what the average British person thought of the average Republican, I know who they would want to ban from entering the US. In fact, given Trump’s views on the wind farm that is going to be built where you could just about see it from one of his golf courses if it was an unusually clear day in that part of the world, I’m surprised he hasn’t suggested that already.


Since Cow’s not here, perhaps this image can be a surrogate??


I would have figured they would have gone with Bush, but I can see that, too.

I think Bernie is owning the Tumblr-verse. So there’s that…
(SNL sure helps with name recognition, but the “media” is never going to be to him what it is to HRC.)
The vein that will really bear fruit is ever growing awareness and endorsement by leaders in the African American community.

Really hope that’s how it goes.


totally totally. i believe i heard he was meeting with sharpton today? maybe this is indicative of a major push in this direction. certainly the black community understands the real world implications of unfare wealth distribution as good as any other community?! I would think there could be a real, important synergy.


“He’s from Brooklyn.”


Okay, Megyn Kelly. Giving Bernie Sanders his due and standing up to a fascist bully. One more, and Fox has officially changed for the better.

Hmm, it’s gonna take a bit more than that for me to dial down my Fox hate…


Yeah … I guess it wouldn’t be a really huge change.

I have a strong suspicion Cowcide is very busy pounding pavement, working his utters off, to get Sanders elected.


The Democrats are in the interesting position of being a party that allows superdelegates to put their collective thumb on the scales, yet at the same time is always whingeing that the other party is “disenfranchising voters”.


If the super delegates turn the primary against the popular vote, it will be because enough of them decided they’d rather have a republican president for at least the next twelve years than have sanders. There would be riots at the convention like in 68, their candidate would lose the general, and the party would be so broken and divided it woul take at least a decade to recover.


Considering who signs their paychecks (or who they plan on having sign their paychecks in the future) this wouldn’t surprise me.


So if the party goes against the popular vote, couldn’t there be a successful write-in campaign? Or is that just possible in primaries?