Donald Trump calls for termination of U.S. constitution

As mentioned in the Slate article, these didn’t start as right-wing symbols, though. The ACLU was into distributing pocket constitutions (as well as stressing the importance of the First Amendment) long before they became obsessions of Rethugicans. It’s a weird topsy-turvy world we live in these days.


it’d be the first time that’s for sure. making anything himself, i mean


yeah, and of all presidential candidates it was kucinich who carried one at all times ( maybe he was already pictured above somewhere? my facial recognition software is offline today )

i can just imagine them pouring all their money into lobbying for amendments. “if we can get one amendment a year, we’ll be rich!”


Kathy Griffin calls them “twats”, if you need an alternative.


I value my life more than that kind of game. Just don’t have the constitution to endure it.


Possibly because the trademark on TWiT is owned by the This Week in Tech network. Early on Twitter and TWiT had an agreement about the trademark that limited what Twitter could do to avoid trademark overlap between the two.


It’s possible that it’s just his desperation as indictments loom ever closer.


Sure. Doesn’t mean that this is not a major problem. He still wants to overthrow the government, and he’s getting people riled up enough to commit acts of violence yet again on his behalf.

More importantly… Far too many Republicans are still trying to play both sides here, which means, that they believe the base is still in his back pocket, and they are hedging their bets on who is going to win on the internal civil war.


Yeah, that’s possible, but if you look at his last few years he’s spoken insurrection and sedition into being. I entirely believe that the republicans would elect him God King and dissolve congress and the constitution if they could.

It’s fine to believe he’s just rambling and full of shit, but we absolutely still need to hear what he’s saying and work against it, because far too much of his rambling has turned into action.


Here’s a place they can try to set that up. America has already designated it a place for waste too toxic to keep around elsewhere.


Honestly it would have been really helpful if they had done that on the first day of a bunch of people’s terms, our last president included. Can’t expect him to do all that study during “executive time”


More and more, I feel that the US constitution should call for termination of Donald Trump.


Sensible nations make sure that the leaders and conspirators of failed coups are never in any condition, politically or corporeally, to ever threaten the nation again.

Probably Biden’s biggest political failure, and one that could lead to the end of the U.S., is that he didn’t do the same to Trump, his family, and his supporters.


How do you suggest, in an at least putative democracy like the U.S., Biden himself do such a thing?

The legal wagons are circling Trump, many of his supporters, and in some cases his family too. Don’t count out the legal system deleting him from public life just yet.


At this point, I don’t care if he is ‘only kidding’, or ‘he probably won’t be nominated’, or ‘he is just using his right to free speech’, or any of the other bullshit excuses that have been given for this worthless lump’s behaviour and ravings.

He has now openly declared himself to be an enemy of the United States who will destroy it every chance he gets, whether he is elected or not… and if he is elected, he will be dictator, and the United States as we have known it will cease to exist.

Therefore, he and all those who continue to support him must be regarded as enemies of the State, and treated as such, posthaste.

This means all the Congresscritters who refused to indict him, and/or support The Big Lie, must be removed; so must State and local officials [including cops] who still support him… the owners and mouthpieces of the Fascist Media in this country [FOX, iHeart, OANN, Hannity, Jones, Carlson, etc, etc] must all brought into custody.
Not to mention all the deep-pocketed financiers involved.

Uncle Joe probably has no stomach for such actions, deeming them to be ‘unconstitutional’ or some such; he could argue that those actions would destroy the country.

There’s just one problem with that line of reasoning:
These people are already well along in their plans of doing just that!

So, should Uncle Joe wait for them to finish the job, or should he derail them while he has the chance?


are you saying john wick isn’t a thinly veiled film about biden?

john wick GIF by John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

eta: i mean, yeah: let’s throw out the constitution to save it. or, like @milliefink says, we could let the justice department and judicial branch do the work it needs to.


Nothing works to stop a bunch of fascists and avoid a civil war like acting like a fascist dictator and sparking a civil war. :roll_eyes:


It sounds like he wants to throw away the Bill of Rights too, including the Second Amendment.


War is not a requirement. It is one condition; the other condition is:

or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Note the “or” statement.

So, for instance, helping Russia.


Lord Dampnut has promised to destroy it anyway, so…

You have far more faith in that utterly corrupted SCOTUS than I do.

Either way is war, so I suppose it’s a matter of who you trust more as Overlord:
Uncle Joe or Lord Dampnut?

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This is a vastly false dichotomy.