When he goes on about how terrible immigrants are and how they are destroying western culture, I guess he doesn’t mean white ones.
I think he’s confusing “was an American Nazi supporter” with “was born in Germany”. An easy mistake, nein?
He used to tell people that his family was from Sweden.
When he doesn’t purposely lie the dementia causes him to confabulate.
I used to work with a guy very much like Trump. A fat, lying sack of shit and completely off his rocker. He would contradict himself so often, it was impossible to keep up with his BS. And he was a vicious SOB, too.
I used to come to work every day hoping to have learned that his car had careened into a ditch and exploded. Unfortunately that never happened.
He was also a thief. But, like Trump (and other psychos) knew how to turn on charm when necessary.
Ask and the Internet provides:
This lead to a flurry of correspondence with lawyers; the sending of a laxative-laced fruit cake which cleared out the entire litigation group of Jarndyce and Jarndyce for about a week and a half; a futile threatening visit from two large men with too many knuckles and Carhartt tattoos (seen off by two randy pugs, a limpy chihuahua and several madwomen with canes and dodgy colostomy bags); the jogging forth from my aged memory of an anecdote about Bitsy Trump’s Christmas party and a quite lovely story in which Donald gets chomped on his ample balls by a pissed off pekinese called Frou-Frou; and further and extensive legal correspondence, culminating in the execution of a Deed under which I promised not to tell you all about the time that Donald was trapped in a steam room in Aspen with Joan Collins and her flatulent Burmese hairless, and Donald made me a small payment of damages that I blew on three weeks in Bermuda, a parking lot attendant named Juan and a kilo of blow.
He has to be from here, Woody wrote a song about him and Woody didn’t write no songs about no germans back then.
Forget reason, forget logic - this guy is broken.
The very idea of multiple OBs is nothing short of bloodchurning. One is more than enough.
Yes, this lie is weird. But lies spill out of this guy.
I think it’s a bigger deal that he thinks the EU is our biggest foe. Or that’s what comes first to his mind.
There’s really only one logical, effective, legal and humane remedy: stay away from him. EVERYONE.
I’m just more and more convinced that Trump is the real world equivalent of William Cozzano from the novel “Interface”; although Stephenson and George overlooked the Russian angle.
“Christ”?! Jesus Christ, what assholes.
Isn’t Donald being full of shit a dog bites man story?
There is a remarkable overlap between (1) institutions regarded by Trump as the biggest foe of the US; and (2) obstacles to Putin’s ambitions.
Fred Trump’s mother was from the Christ family…
Does anyone know if Donald also answers to the name Humperdoo?
Add in institutions/nations that have snubbed Trump or wounded his ego and I think you get the complete set.
That would certainly explain the bad hair - trying to cover up the scar from the micro chip insertion into his head.
Fred Christ…Hey, wasn’t that a movie where Vince Vaughan played Jesus’ brother?