Donald Trump keeps saying his father Fred Trump was born in Germany. He was not

It’s also a TV trope.

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I like the idea that Donnie was actually the child of one of his “mother’s” family, back in Scotland. (Who was never legally adopted.)

He knew there were different names, but until he was corrected, I’m not sure anyone had explained things to him (or if they had, he ignored them, as usual); he was ignorant of everything else (e.g. protocol) on the trip as well. I don’t know that anyone briefing him in the White House knew any better, either. They announced he was “leaving the UK” when he flew up to Scotland…

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I’d imagine a lot of Scots rather liked that.


“Sarah Proud and Tall” sadly doesn’t blog any more, but when she did, it was very funny, very over-the-top stuff like what I linked to. When you have the time, browse her archives.

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Roger That! (Have been already.)


Hell, all of them really.


Oh yeah. There was a lot of, “Hey guys, good news on IndyRef 2!” joking on Twitter.


And the authoritarian mind at work. Trump sees a jackboot, he cannot help licking it,

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You make it sound like a deliberate strategic decision. Lies fall out of Trump’s facehole whenever it’s open because that’s all he knows what to do.

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Probably never. However, signs that discuss the history of racism in the south regularly get defaced…


I think he forget the dog whistle and has gone straight to bull horn racism.


Shooting things that shouldn’t be shot at. It’s how racists masturbate.


No, he was the leader of the Transgenic Movement last seen having a conversation with the Chair Leg of Truth.

Trump is growing senile.

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I think there was a Hellboy story line about that…

I stand corrected.

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