Donald Trump rates his one-year-old baby daughter's breasts in 1994 interview


Social filters are a very important quality for world leaders even when those leaders are dishonest.

I’m no Nixon fan, but I can’t imagine the 1972 effort to normalize relations with China would have gone better had the President spent the trip sharing his heartfelt thoughts on “Chinks” and “Commies.”


I hear moving goalposts is equally cheap.


Sexist “jokes” are made frequently by men about women and girls — probably less often by the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination.

What does that prove?


Someone else made a comment that I think sums this up. It’s not that Trump really wants to have sex with his daughters. It’s that he literally cannot conceive of another way to compliment a female human being. To him, the highest thing a woman can aspire to is “fuckability”. Because he doesn’t think we’re actual people. Even his daughters.


Exactly. The level of “old fashioned” condescension he shows, even when he’s trying to be “nice”, to his supporters and family is very telling. This kind of thing is hardwired into Mr. Trump.

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If Drumpf is about one thing, it’s love!

If that tape surfaced, it would also be objectionable.

Why not just say that you hope she inherits her mom’s good looks then? In the same way as Ivanka, you can say that you think your daughter is beautiful without suggesting that you want to have sex with her.


Yeah, but those other objectifications are also all based on how “hot” they are. That’s his only metric for judging the value of women.


Stop; you’re making way too much sense.


Women can have two kinds of instrumental value to a Trump.

They can be:

  • hot for his enjoyment

  • hot to win him money or power

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Today I learned that pedo creepers probably don’t know they are pedo creepers but they do enjoy defending other pedo creepers.

I suppose the takeaway might be that if you defend someone who others point to as being a pedo creeper, you might want to think about that for a minute or two.


Honestly, on further contemplation, I find I’m not convinced that Trump believes ANYONE that’s not Trump is a real human being. The man legitimately has the social development of a toddler.


I fear it is coming down to this:

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I think Breitbart has been pushing this issue about Hillary hushing up her husband’s behavior, and frankly, I think they have a point. Listen to Monica Lewinsky’s TED talk to hear how feminists treated her. Not that I think the Brietbart site has turned anymore feminist than naked Kim Kardashian.


Mostly because your child isn’t a potential future partner for you so her future attractiveness really isn’t all important to talk about.

It says one of a few possible things

  1. Marla’s attractiveness is her most notable quality to him
  2. He highly values attractiveness in all women – it makes them worthy.
  3. He’s got no filter
  4. He is unaware of the first two

“Immediately spouting whatever bullshit crosses your mind, with zero regard for truth or accuracy” is not the same thing as “honest”.


Where I come, from that’s called verbal diarrhea.


Point of order: Bill Clinton was a philanderer. “Philanderer” and “misogynist” are not the same thing.

You can be a woman-bashing troglodyte and still refrain from cheating on your spouse. Or you can be a lesbian rape counselor and feminist activist who cheats on her wife.

Neither of those failings has any direct bearing on your spouse’s qualifications for the Presidency.