Donald Trump used $20K worth of charitable donations to buy a 6' tall painting of Donald Trump

I’ve talked to some genuine Trump supporters and I’m not being sarcastic or trying to make a joke when I say I’m also still looking for “more”. I suspect, based on previous conversations, that some are in the “kick out the Mexicans and Muslims” camp or at least consider that part of his appeal but most say “Because he isn’t Hillary”.

They have three very specific problems with Hillary Clinton:

  1. She’s a Democrat
  2. She’s a woman
  3. She’s married to the person they consider the worst president in history although they can’t exactly say why or their position is based on false statements (i.e. my mother who says “Clinton and Saddam Hussein were close friends”)

I really do wish I could give you more.


Is that the thing in question? Good god that’s about the most hideous thing that I can imagine. I would hate it even more if it was of me and just as much if it was of a very attractive human. I would hate it just as much without the frame, hideous as that is.
I would like it in a comic however, depending on the subject. Hm, maybe it’s supposed to be funny?


It is an act of charity. It means that he can lock it up in a vault somewhere and fewer people will have to gaze upon it. If that isn’t charity, what is?


Of course he spent $20K on the painting. If you want to pull a Dorian Gray you need to be willing to contribute some(one else’s) money.


What about the " I give up. Burn it to the ground and start over." contingent? They’ve got to account for at least15%.


I kinda lump them in with the lulz crowd. Folks who think all government as it exists is crap and it might be fun to fuck it all up by electing a certified loonbat to destroy everything on purpose.


30 years from now, when we are looking back over the multitudinous achievements of President For Life Donald J Trump and we will wonder that anyone could fail to see his obvious suitability to steer the country, nay, the entire world, in to a utopian future. By we, of course, I don’t mean the Blacks, the Gays, the Hispanics, and Uppity Women.


Isn’t it that kind of … eh dunno … illegal - misappropriating money from donors for a charity? What about closing this down?

Is this justice stuff not a thing anymore in the US? Is it preserved for poor poc? He’s probably useless for stamping out license plates with his stumpy little fingers.


I don’t agree with point number two!

Our first woman prime minister was a superb leader, statesman, politician and humanitarian!

Millions of UK citizens said no to spending three million on her state funeral and offered to buy shovels and personally bury her themselves, deeper, deeper and deeper till they could hand her over personally to Satan himself.

Seriously hope you lot over the pond have better luck than we did with our first lady in charge.


Since we’re talking about Trump supporters here, the arithmetic needs a little fiddlin’:
1/3 of his supporters: “Because he’ll kick out the Mexicans and Muslims! And build a GREAT WALL!”
1/3 of his supporters: “Because he isn’t Hillary.”
1/3 of his supporters: “For the lulz”
1/3 of his supporters: “I thought this was the line for CarrotTop tickets”


It seems to me that bringing Depends © into it just brings an extra unecessary step into the urine harvesting.


I am seriously considering disappearing myself abroad if this psychopath is elected POTUS. And I feel selfish and cowardly for even contemplating it.


You forgot the part where people died because of that painti…What? Oops, wrong scandal.


I told a joke to friends just after the Brexit vote about the US and the UK having an idiot contest (Not my joke BTW) and we were now firmly in the lead, but the US still had it’s trump card to play yet!


I think countries are like people. You can stick around with those who are changing for the better anyway, but some are given every chance to improve and it’s clear that they’re going to destroy themselves instead, and drag you down with them. I like the UK, but I won’t live there. I’ve also stopped voting – my city was one of the strongest Brexit supporters and they have a history of bad decisions.

And as for the Trump supporters who are still not going to be convinced by this and are sure that he has their interests at heart (and don’t care about anyone else as long as they come out on top):

That psychopath wouldn’t have so much power if so many people didn’t want a psychopath on their side.


Send it back. Hands are way, WAY too big.


Is that it?

Oh My - or indeed anyone else’s - God. So many tones of orange, ochre, burnt ochre, tangerine, satsuma, cheese-wizz and orang utan pubes. A regular tropical island sunset of a complexion - if that tropical island was Bikini Atoll.

It’s like Thomas Kinkade turned his hand to portraiture, but somehow lost his subtlety somewhere along the way.


Quote. Of. The Day.


And today he’s calling attention to many less-desirable qualities of his supporters to disparage Hillary as though I should be outraged by her acknowledging such political observations recently, in a perhaps-fevered rant. As though I should be outraged by her comments…hmmm. shakes head