Donald Trump's daddy, Fred Trump, rises from the grave to scold his foolish son: "You sound like you're a drunk" (video)

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Not terribly impressive.

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Why bring AI into this piece? A mouth moving on a picture? A voice impersonator for someone 99% of us have never heard before?

Maybe the person who did this doesn’t have skills in After Effects or whatever, and did the 'ol lazy “Hey ChatGTFO, make me a video with Fred scolding Donald”.

At least with an odd-sized & looking mouth there’s no mistaking it is faked and you don’t pollute foggy minds with uncanny valley and Mandela Effect.

You can disclaimer all you want but there IS a danger in making a ‘reality’ that some folks would hold up as the truth and kill to defend.


Of the many, many legitimate reasons we shouldn’t let Trump near the White House again I don’t think “Trump’s white supremacist dad would have been ashamed of him” even warrants a mention.


IMHO, because this has an intended audience of one. One that does know the voice.

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I have concerns about this advert.

We shouldn’t encourage anything that generates false content which only adds to people’s suspicions that nothing is objectively true or false.

Today, the Lincoln Project (who, let’s never forget are still Republicans) is taking on Trump; but tomorrow it might be The GOP, or Putin or Xi doing just the same trying to destroy people we like.

It’s not possible to claim the high ground and use deepfakes and associated technologies to score political points. There’s plenty that Trump has actually said and done to beat him with.

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Sadly that’s been going on for a while now already.

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