Originally published at: Donald Trump's lawyer suggested hush money was "illegal" and a "fraud" back in 2018 (surfaced video) | Boing Boing
Donald Trump's lawyer suggested hush money was "illegal" and a "fraud" back in 2018 (surfaced video)
Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
Do you think Trump cares? Or this lawyer?
Doesn’t it disqualify him from representing Trump?
Could be, but I guess a judge would have to make that determination?
But I’m guessing that Trump is literally scraping the bottom of the barrel on lawyers, and does not have a lot of options, since the people who keep representing him, keep ending up in trouble themselves.
… and Trump keeps on stiffing them on their payment.
Well, that too, but I’m guessing that Guiliani would still be representing Trump, despite that, if he was not in trouble with the courts themselves…
If the search for justice/satisfaction from pointing out Republican hypocrisy is feeling fruitless, I think we’re going in the wrong direction digging for it with lawyers. Next you’ll tell me a lawyer has different strongly-held beliefs on murder when he’s defending a murder suspect vs. conducting a civil suit against a convicted murderer. The real mistake is having an interested lawyer positioned as a talking head…
Right now his key defense seems to rest on slamming Michael Cohen as a sleazebag with zero credibility who has a long history of working as a professional fixer for crooks.
Which, OK, fair point, but…
Oh, mr tapioca, you are a silly pudding!
“Does Mr. Cohen seem like an honest and reputable man to you? After all, he has publicly admitted to working for Donald Trump, a man with a history of duplicity and multiple connections to organized crime, a possible money-launderer, an accused rapist, a presumed agent of foreign governments, a client of women of ill-repute. Ask yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, what kind of decent lawyer would work for a man like that? No, I think we can legitimately assume that Mr. Cohen is as sleazy as his sometime employer, and discount everything he says.”
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