This. An actual willingness to go to war has never been something that distinguished Democrats from Republicans, it is how, and under what provocation, we do it.
There is a massive proxy war underway in Vietn… cough…Syria because of the Obama administration’s Timber Sycamore operation, sending the CIA to train, fund, and arm rebels to unseat Assad. While the war there was already underway, and Assad is a horrible person, treating a nation and millions of citizens as if one is playing a game of Risk is not being “internationalist”, it’s monstrous.
At the direction of U.S. President Barack Obama, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was put in charge of the operations, worth about $1 billion annually, to arm anti-government forces in Syria, an operation which began in 2013, more than two years after the start of the civil war in 2011. Prior to 2013, the CIA only supplied the apparently moderate rebels of the Free Syrian Army with non-lethal aid, but later began providing training, cash, and intelligence to selected rebel commanders.
American-led intervention in Syria
Of course, as in every turn-based game, Russia, Iran, and others have to escalate and support Assad to match our involvement, and now, well, I won’t post the image of the little boy in Allepo for you. You’ve seen it.
This behavior is not partisan. This is an attitude of elite megalomaniacs, Republican and Democrat and Whatever Else, all over the world. Some believe they are “ordained”, some believe they are racially superior, and others believe they are just plain better than the unwashed, and therefore justified to “make the hard decisions” about millions of lives, crafting human history to their own ends. Worse, they get fantastically wealthy in the process.
We have to stop being distracted by why they think they have the right to do these things, and simply demand they not do them. It makes me physically ill to hear people dismiss these things as “not Democrats” or unimportant to the election. There is a time when political pragmatism becomes Machiavellian complicity. I don’t believe people guilty of crimes against humanity should be rewarded with the Presidency, no matter who opposes them. I refuse to vote for the people who made these decisions. I’m done.
It’s been made clear to me that it is better not to discuss this until after the election, so I will bow to the mob and hush for the time being. I apologize for taking the bait this time, and for upsetting people as I did above by replying ad nauseam.
Now, back to the regularly scheduled fantasies of moral superiority.