Doomsday Preppers are now selling timeshares, too

When I was in high school, our Economics teacher (previously a trust officer at a bank IIRC) advised us to stockpile bars of silver. Gold bars are way too expensive, but a bar of silver wouldn’t be. (This was before someone invented a different photographic process that did not require silver, sending the silver market crashing; and that was before the widespread use of digital images…) When the shit hits the fan and our Weimar-esque wheelbarrows of cash are next-to-worthless, why, we can just trade in our inflated silver and buy food!

One day we had a substitute teacher who said “Y’all pay attention to this! She’s right!”

Later (my brain doesn’t have an express elevator) it occurred to me that marauding groups of hungry fellow humans aren’t going to care much about silver bullion. “Hey! Give that back, I bought this sawdust fair and square with my silv-- Hey wait, DON’T EAT ME!”